China News Service, Beijing, October 26 (Reporter Li Jingze Xing Chong) Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin hosted a regular press conference on October 26.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

Photo by Xue Wei

  A reporter asked: According to reports, a few days ago, during the operation of the "Xin Haiyan No. 1" scientific research ship of National Taiwan University in the waters east of Taiwan Island, it was shouted and interfered by the inspection ship of the Japanese Coast Guard, saying that it would not be allowed to operate in the "Xin Haiyan No. 1" without the consent of the Japanese side. Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone" conducts scientific research.

what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue?

  Wang Wenbin: The sea area where the incident occurred is only more than 60 nautical miles away from Taiwan Island. Chinese scientific research institutions, including those in Taiwan, have every right to conduct scientific research activities in the waters, and foreign countries should not interfere.

  China and Japan have not yet delimited the waters east of Taiwan, and China does not accept the so-called "Japan's exclusive economic zone" and the so-called exercise of "jurisdiction".

The Chinese side has lodged representations with the Japanese side, requesting the Japanese side not to interfere with the scientific research activities of Chinese ships, including those from the Taiwan region, in the waters.
