In the Tidö agreement there are reform proposals such as visitation zones, stay bans, anonymous witnesses and double punishment for gang criminals.

Measures inspired by Denmark's tougher laws to curb organized crime.

According to Danish police, the stricter laws have been a good support in the fight against gang violence.

But despite the fact that the number of gang members has decreased, the number of gang-related shooting deaths has increased.

And there is still no research that supports the effect of the gang laws, says Sausdal.

- You cannot say that visitation zones, stay bans or double punishment are what have been particularly effective and "broken" the gangs in Denmark, says David Sausdal, resident in Denmark and assistant lecturer at Lund University.

Raises social efforts

In addition to stricter legislation, Denmark has worked actively with the issue in several different ways, for a long time.

David Sausdal highlights the country's work with social initiatives, preventive efforts and school and migration policy.

- All other types of efforts that do not only focus on criminal policy.

Anonymous witnesses

However, there are measures that research has shown to have an effect, such as good police investigations and a higher percentage of solved cases.

There, anonymous witnesses can be an example of a measure that helps the police obtain evidence, information and sources in the environment that contribute to arresting the guilty, according to David Sausdal.

- Focus on investigation and clarification, it will contribute positively.

Hear the criminologist's criticism of visitation zones in the clip above.