China News Agency, Beijing, October 22. Comprehensive news: From the 21st to the 22nd local time, air defense alarms were sounded in Kyiv, Odessa and other places in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky presided over a meeting of the Supreme Command on the 21st local time to discuss the effective organization of the air defense system and provide guarantees for important strategic facilities.

On the same day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke by phone with U.S. Defense Secretary Austin to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

Udodi sounded air defense siren, Ukrainian president presided over a meeting of the Supreme Command

  According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, on the morning of the 22nd local time, air defense alarms sounded throughout Ukraine.

The report quoted Ukrainian news websites, social media and other news that the Odessa region was attacked and an energy infrastructure was hit.

  According to RIA Novosti reports, on the evening of the 21st local time, Ukraine’s Odessa, Nikolayev, Kirovgrad, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Kharko Air-raid sirens were sounded in the Uzbek-controlled area of ​​Fuzhou and Zaporozhye.

Ukraine's Interfax news agency reported that the military and political chief of the Kiev region said that day that the air defense system in the Kyiv region was working and called on the people to stay in shelters.

  Ukrainian media also reported that on the 21st local time, Uzbekistan President Zelensky presided over a meeting of the Supreme Command.

The leaders of the military, intelligence and government departments at the meeting focused on how to organize an effective air defense system, provide protection for strategically important installations, and ensure the supply and rational distribution of ammunition to the military.

Russian, U.S. defense ministers discuss Ukraine situation by phone

  The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 21st local time that Russian Defense Minister Shoigu had a phone call with U.S. Defense Secretary Austin on the same day, and the two sides discussed hot issues of international security, including the situation in Ukraine.

  The Pentagon said in a statement that Austin emphasized the importance of keeping U.S.-Russian communication channels open during the call.

  When reporting the call between the Russian and US defense ministers, Russian TV Today and others said that the two sides had "rare contacts."

According to reports, this is the second call between the defense ministers of Russia and the United States since Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine in February this year. The last call was held on May 13 this year.

  Today's Russian TV also reported that Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said after the Russian and American defense ministers had a phone call that there is no plan for Russian President Vladimir Putin to hold a telephone meeting with U.S. President Biden.

  The minutes of the call released by the Pentagon also showed that after the phone call with Shoigu, Austin also had a phone call with Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov on the same day.

Reznikov wrote on social media that he and Austin discussed the security situation in Ukraine and how to strengthen Ukraine's air defense capabilities.

 Turkey's president says efforts are being made to facilitate meeting between Russian and Ukrainian leaders

  On the 21st local time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he hoped to organize a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Zelensky to achieve regional peace.

Erdogan said he planned to have a phone call with the two leaders on the matter in the near future.

  Turkey has repeatedly expressed its willingness to be a neutral mediator.

According to RIA Novosti and Turkey’s Anadolu News Agency, Erdogan and Zelensky held a telephone conversation on the 19th local time, and the two sides discussed the latest developments in the situation in Ukraine.

Erdogan said a diplomatic solution should be preserved under any circumstances and Turkey was ready to contribute to advancing the talks.

Russia launches military satellite twice in one week

  According to Russia's "Red Star News" report, on the 21st local time, a "Soyuz-2.1b" carrier rocket carrying the "Cosmos-2561" spacecraft was successfully launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome.

  The Russian Ministry of Defense issued an announcement on the night of the 15th local time, saying that the "Angara-1.2" light carrier rocket carrying the "Cosmos-2560" spacecraft was launched.

  According to Russian media reports, "Cosmos-2560" and "Cosmos-2561" belong to Russia's latest generation of optical military satellites.
