Arthur de Laborde, edited by Ophélie Artaud 7:31 a.m., October 23, 2022

The President of the Republic is starting a visit to Italy, where he has notably planned to discuss with Pope Francis within the framework of the Peace Forum of the Sant'Egidio community.

And if for the moment, nothing is yet officially scheduled, he could also be the first president to meet the new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Will he be the first foreign leader to meet Giorgia Meloni?

Emmanuel Macron is starting a visit to Rome, without having officially scheduled an interview with the new Italian Prime Minister for the moment.

What is certain is that the President of the Republic will be received this Monday morning in private audience by Pope Francis.

And he will speak this afternoon on his return for the opening of the International Forum for Peace of the Catholic community of Sant'Egidio.

Meeting with Pope Francis

Emmanuel Macron wanted to be present for this summit organized by one of the channels of the shadow diplomacy of the Vatican.

According to the Elysée, the intervention of the Head of State should be in line with his speech to the UN General Assembly.

In particular, he denounced a return to the age of imperialism and colonies imposed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

During this forum of the community of Sant'Egidio, the president should therefore insist on multilateralism to face the crises that roam our planet and on the importance of avoiding the creation of artificial fractures between the North and the South.

For the occasion, he will be alongside Nigerian Presidents Mohamed Bazoum and Italian Sergio Mattarella.

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On Monday morning, he will meet Pope Francis for the third time.

Several current issues will be at the heart of this private hearing.

War in Ukraine, climate and interreligious dialogue.

The end of life could also be mentioned against the backdrop of the debate on the subject in France.

Just the day before yesterday, the sovereign pontiff had delivered a plea against euthanasia and assisted suicide.

"If we kill with justifications, we will end up killing more and more," he said.