• Controversy Ortega Cano, still in love with Ana María Aldón: "My semen is still strong, let's go for the girl!"

  • Television Rocío Carrasco, on Ortega Cano: "My mother became small with him, she unfolded. I think I am saying it clearly"

  • Docuseries Rocío Carrasco, about Ortega Cano's alleged drinking problems and accident: "I knew something like this was going to end up happening to him"

Rocío Carrasco has not missed the opportunity to comment on the latest controversy of José Ortega Cano.

Rocío Jurado's daughter has taken advantage of an interview with Save me

to talk again about the husband of her mother, who also mentioned her in her talk

About her.

The matador had offered a peculiar interview for

El Programa de Ana Rosa

to talk about the crisis he is going through with his current wife, Ana María Aldón.

After acknowledging that they are separating and no longer have contact, Diestro has left a message for his wife trying to get her to return to him.

"I promise you. My semen is still strong, let's go for the girl!"

, he voiced him live.

A few hours later, this video was seen by her stepdaughter, Rocío Carrasco, who could not believe Ortega Cano's words.

"I can't believe it",

she commented upon hearing the sentence.

In addition to talking about his breakup with Ana María Aldón, Ortega Cano had gone to Telecinco's morning show

to express his dissatisfaction with the documentary

In the name of Rocío,

where Rociíto did not portray very well.

"I'm used to everything, but I don't quite understand life. Despite

Rocío Carrasco

's words , I'm worried about her and the things she does. I imagine she's being advised by her husband. I'm sorry for her," she said.

José Ortega Cano in The Ana Rosa Telecinco Program

word crossing

"They have twisted the truth to unparalleled extremes, this behavior full of vileness

and hatred can only have a judicial action. I have instructed my lawyers to act when they deem it appropriate," said the artist.

Affirmation that was denied by Rociíto.

"Whoever doesn't know it, should buy it. That thing about it being twisted, it's not true," he launched.

"This is ultimately a challenge. He hasn't sued me, but he will end up doing it."

"The thing about

Rocío Carrasco

is something very strong. She is speaking blasphemies about me and about her family, I don't understand it," said Ortega.


I was not a mindundi, I was a real man and I still am.

She was an exceptional woman who was always close to her family, that's why you can't understand what

Rocío Carrasco

is doing and saying . I am convinced that

Rocío Jurado

will be suffering", highlighted the bullfighter.

Given these words, the protagonist of In the name of Rocío sent a clear and self-referential message:

"Tonight I'm going to tell you why Rocío Jurado suffered,"

he said.

When asked if she would have a face-to-face with Ortega, the daughter of 'The greatest' has assured that she would do it

"as long as there are 14 meters of separation."

The bullfighter told Ana Rosa that he wanted to be calm.

"What does he want to be calm?" Rocío Carrasco was surprised.

When he said that he wouldn't hurt anyone, she assured him,

"You are capable of so many things."

Regarding the statements in which the bullfighter says that he wants peace and love between families, he ironizes again: "Now do you want it?"

Rociíto has not wanted to be clear about whether Ortega Cano gets along with the Mohedano.

"I'll stop biting my tongue, but I bite

it, " she said.

When asked about a possible reconciliation with Ortega and other members of her family, Rocío Carrasco has decided to remain silent as an answer.

"What is that?"

she stated.

The bullfighter assured that he was very worried about what one day was his stepdaughter, but she does not believe it.

"Tonight I make it clear to her when and why she should have been worried

, I think there are several things in between."

To conclude, Ortega Cano said that he is excited, full of projects and that he wants to open a bullfighting museum


"Ass I see, ass I want",

Rocío Carrasco said then, relating this right-handed plan to the

recent opening of the Rocío Jurado museum in Chipiona.

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