This close friend of former national secretaries Cécile Duflot, David Cormand and Julien Bayou is a favorite in the succession of the latter, who resigned from his post after accusations of psychological violence made by his ex-companion.

A congress to replace him was nevertheless already planned for December.

"I propose my candidacy to the national secretariat of Europe Ecology - The Greens", writes Marine Tondelier in her letter.

The one who has notably overseen the organization of the "Summer Days" in recent years insists on the need for environmentalists, after a period marked by the televised questioning of Julien Bayou by the deputy Sandrine Rousseau, to be " collectives": "Our project is radical. It's something we have in common. We must also be radicals in the collective, in ethics and in setting an example. Be as demanding of ourselves as we are with the others".

Marine Tondelier insists, with reference to the well-known internal conflict at EELV: "I will take my share of responsibility for our movement to be a welcoming, inclusive, serene, non-violent, protective, reassuring militant framework. We must, each of us, to question our practices, and where we spend our time".

The Hauts-de-France regional councilor talks about her "fed up", targeting Sandrine Rousseau, whose "eco-feminist" line should be represented at the congress by Mélissa Camara: "Our movement has suffered too much from individualism From the twitterization of politics. From the search for the little phrase or controversy that allows a person to break the sound barrier... while the collective goes into the wall at all. (...) How get our movement out of the metropolises, if our debates are done in 280 signs on a social network?"

Marine Tondelier had been pleading for several weeks for a complete overhaul of the movement and supported a referendum proposing the simplification of the statutes.

Despite the rejection of the latter by activists in September, she says she wants to "refound and put (the) movement in order of battle for the deadlines to come".

On the alliance side, she estimated in her text of motion, complementary to her statement on Monday, that Nupes had only "relative" success during the legislative elections, and proclaimed: "Let us affirm our ambition to make political ecology the engine of unity.

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