
North Korea also disclosed in detail what kind of missile it has fired so far.

In particular, they said they had launched a missile from a submarine from a reservoir, which is actually the first method in the world.

The types of North Korean missiles and their purpose were analyzed by Kim Tae-hoon, a defense reporter.


What the US and South Korea captured with a short-range ballistic missile launched in Taecheon, Pyeongbuk in the early morning of the 25th of last month was actually a small submarine-launched ballistic missile, a SLBM, fired from a reservoir.

Although it is small in size, the destructive power is said to be a test firing simulating the loading of a tactical nuclear warhead that overwhelms conventional warheads.

[Chosun Central TV: Proficiency in ballistic missile launch capabilities at underwater launch sites and censoring rapid reaction posture...


Launching the SLBM reservoir is a bizarre method that no country has ever tried.

Enlarging an image

In a floating dock, the SLBM launcher is submerged underwater and then launched underwater.

Floating docks are often used for SLBM underwater injection tests at sea, but are not normally used in real life.

The intention is to maximize the surprise effect by using reservoirs and lakes throughout North Korea as SLBM launch platforms.

It claimed that the intermediate-range ballistic missile that passed through Japan on the 4th was a new missile launch as a warning to the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

The shape of the warhead and engine is slightly different from the existing medium-range, but there is a possibility that it is an upgraded new medium-range missile.

[Shin Jong-woo / Senior Analyst, Korea Defense Security Forum: (The missile launched on the 4th) looks new in that the warhead is blunt and there is no auxiliary engine.

It is analyzed to be an advanced missile with a technology in which the main engine changes direction by itself.]

North Korea named a series of test launches a seven-time tactical nuclear launch exercise prepared to strike as many times as desired, at the time and place of the target. I did.

It is interpreted as the confidence to operate more covert and powerful missiles based on tactical nuclear weapons.

(Video editing: Jeong Seong-hoon, CG: Jo Su-in)

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