“Poses that fold in and make you close your eyes and breathe slowly are soothing and restorative,” says yoga instructor Sally Lovett. They are also very simple and relaxing, to improve movement and relieve stiffness.

The "Child's Pose-Balasana" is one of the most important positions that you feel when you are stuck in a continuous work in the office or home, or returning to your home after a hard day, and you feel distress and pain;

So you go down with your forehead on the carpet, and take the position of the child for a minute, with repetition “until the tension gradually relieves gently, from the neck to the shoulders, chest, lower back, buttocks, thighs, hamstrings and ankles, all the way to the blood flow to your head, to stimulate blood circulation in carrying oxygen to all parts of the body. your upper body," according to the Greatest website.

So, physiotherapists often prescribe it for people with mobility issues, and Lovett recommends it "just before bed, for 5 minutes, or in bed, if you find yourself unable to sleep."

Baby Posture Benefits

There is no posture that we do during yoga practice that does not have a set of benefits for the body and mind, especially the position of the child, according to “Grettest” and expert Logan Healy, as it is:

  • Improving circulation:

    Stimulates blood flow in the head and all over the body, according to a 2017 study that showed that “the position of the child in particular had a positive effect on blood pressure and heart rate.”

    "Baby's posture is excellent for improving blood circulation in the upper body, significantly lowering blood pressure and pulse, for better cardiovascular health," says Logan Healy.

  • Reducing pain:

    In 1917, important research chose a child's pose out of 12 yoga poses, which researchers said helps manage pain, and could be an invaluable way to relieve chronic pelvic pain.

    And in 2020, a study showed that the child's position is one of the wonderful positions to combat back and spine pain, and Hailey describes it as one of the positions that "has been proven to reduce back pain and improve the quality of life for people with spinal problems."

  • Relieve Anxiety and Stress:

    A comfortable baby pose with deep breathing relieves tension in the chest, lower back, shoulders and hamstrings;

    “When you bring us back to that calm, stress-free state of mind we lived in as young children, a slight turn of the head toward the floor and gentle relaxation of the hips help relieve physical tension, stress or anxiety,” says Healy.

  • Positive effect on mental health and well-being:

    A 2017 review showed that practicing such yoga poses has a positive effect on mental health and well-being, through strong, deep breathing and calming mind and body.

    "Putting the forehead on the floor, and folding the upper body over the legs is a physical process with mental focus that allows the practitioner to go deep enough into himself, and is like a soothing mental reset," says Healy.

  • Spine Lengthening:

    "As you fold your torso over your thighs, and extend your hand in front of you, the spine lengthens, through the soothing lumbar release and deep shoulder stretch," says Healy.

  • Hip, thigh and ankle

    stretching: The baby pose gently stretches the entire lower body, through targeted pressure and stretch, says Healy.

  • Better digestion:

    According to Healy, baby posture is linked to better digestion, and can be exceptionally beneficial after a heavy meal. Light pressure on the stomach may help stimulate wave-like muscle movements through the digestive system.

  • Better sleep:

    A 2013 study of the child's position found that this position improved sleep quality in people receiving treatment for incurable diseases.

4 perfect baby poses

Andrew McGonigle, anatomy teacher and one of the world's most famous yoga teachers, author of The Physiology of Yoga;

Nominate 4 forms of this exercise, on the Yoga Journal website, to choose the one that suits your body and your health condition, making sure to inhale and exhale deeply:

traditional position

Kneel on your knees and bring them together, and allow your legs to fully extend on the mat until your big toes are spread back, then pull your weight back, and fold your stomach over your thighs.

Rest your forehead on the rug, and spread your arms out in front of you, or behind you at your sides, in a baby-like position.

Posture supported by kickstand and template

If you have poor mobility in your knees or ankles, or both, the following addition will make more room for your torso, compensating for this weakness.

Just keep your knees at least as wide as your buttocks, bring your big toes together, facing back as well, and put a cushion or folded blanket under your knees and ankles.

Place a block about 30 centimeters in front of you, put your weight back so that your stomach is resting on the bolster, and gently rest your forehead on the block.

chair position

If getting down on the ground and coming back again, and the pressure on your knees or ankles, is difficult for you, you can take advantage of the previous position, by sitting comfortably on a chair, putting your ankles under your knees, and then embracing the cushion, pillow or folded blanket placed on your thighs, until your forehead rests comfortably on the mold in your hands.

reclining position

This is a pose that allows you to stretch along your back without putting pressure on your ankles and knees;

By lying on your back and bending your knees and pulling them toward your chest, pressing your hands on your shin to maintain your position, and bending your chin slightly towards your knees, keeping your neck and head comfortable.