Ukraine "has become a completely totalitarian Nazi state".

This was stated by the Russian Foreign Minister, Serghei Lavrov, during the meeting of the United Nations Security Council. 

The government of Kiev, Lavrov stressed, "bans protests, represses dissent, television channels have been closed in order to not allow any alternative point of view, journalists are being persecuted".

The Russian foreign minister also cited "reports from organizations that certainly cannot be suspected of sympathy for the Russians, such as Amnesty, which have confirmed that Ukrainian nationalists have used peaceful civilians as human shields".

Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov, during his speech at the United Nations Security Council, pointed the finger at the "cynical countries that pump arms into Ukraine to drag the conflict for as long as possible in order to wear down and weaken the Russia". 

"The collective West is directly involved, it is part of the conflict", added Lavrov, "in the Russian army no one is under any illusions that we are fighting not Ukraine but the collective West". 

Lavrov then accused Kiev of hitting the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant with "criminal bombings".

"It is not very difficult to understand who is responsible for the bombings", stressed the Russian Foreign Minister, who later complained that the IAEA visit was "artificially delayed" creating "a very unpleasant situation".

AP Photo / Mary Altaffer

Serghei Lavrov, United Nations Security Council meeting arrives September 22, 2022

The Russian "military operation" in Ukraine was "inevitable" after the numerous "anti-virus" and "criminal" activities in Kiev that threatened Russia's security and which "we will never accept," said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov , at the end of his speech at the UN Security Council, in which he provided a lengthy reconstruction, from the Russian point of view, of the alleged "activities" of Kiev in the Donbass that led to the Russian intervention.

Lavrov has repeatedly called the "Kiev regime" a "neo-Nazi", denouncing Western and NATO support for Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov arrived at the UN Security Council meeting dedicated to Ukraine one and a half hours after its inception.

The American media reported it.