Yemen.. Militias start using combat helicopters in violation of the armistice

The Houthi militia continued to violate the UN armistice on the fronts of Marib, and launched helicopter attacks for the first time in the Jadaan front, west of the province, according to field sources, confirming the downing of a Houthi helicopter that was combing the army and resistance positions in the "Talaat One Hundred" area in the vicinity of Mas camp.

The sources indicated that the militias took advantage of the truce and the ceasefire and began using the helicopters they obtained from the Rayma Hamid camp in the Sanhan district, south of Sanaa, and tried to use them to violate the truce in the Jadaan front, west of Marib, where a helicopter was shot down and the Houthis on board were killed.

In Sanaa, local residents confirmed that the militias used three helicopters in a parade in the sky of the city, and transferred their leaders to the fighting fronts in Marib and Mafraq al-Jawf, and towards the western coast.

This comes amid US warnings that the militias continue to send combat reinforcements to the western coast of Yemen, which threatens international navigation in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni army announced that it had monitored 377 violations of the UN truce during the past five days, on the fronts of Al-Hodeidah, Taiz, Al-Dhalea, Hajjah, Saada, Al-Jawf and Marib, which caused the death of one soldier and the injury of 6 others.

On the western coast, the joint forces announced that they had monitored 109 Houthi violations of the armistice during the past 72 hours, on the fronts south of Hodeidah and west of Taiz, including the creation of sites, digging trenches and building fortifications, which indicates the Houthis’ combat preparations on those fronts.

On the other hand, the Yemeni government accused the Houthi militia of manipulating the prisoners' file and bargaining with other files, renewing its offer to exchange "all for all" under the supervision of an international committee, according to a statement by Hadi Haig, head of the Yemeni government's Foundation for Prisoners and Abductees.

This comes after the Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen accused the Houthi militia of thwarting efforts to release all prisoners of war in Yemen.

 And the Saudi Press Agency "SPA" quoted coalition spokesman Turki Al-Maliki as saying that the Houthi militias "failed, in the recent Amman talks, efforts to release all prisoners of war", and that the Houthis gave priority to the fuel file over the file of their most humane prisoners.

 Al-Maliki added: "We offered the Houthis a visit to their prisoners, but we did not find any seriousness or sincere determination from them."

Al-Maliki added: "The intransigence of the Houthis over the prisoners' file is inconsistent with religious values, humanitarian principles and tribal customs, and the political and military leadership of the coalition attaches importance to this file."

He pointed out that the prisoners' file is a priority of the coalition leadership, stressing that it is making unremitting efforts against the intransigence of the Houthis to release all prisoners and reunite the families.

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