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Faculty of Letters of the University of Murcia

(UMU) has stated that there is no authorization to reserve its Chamber for the act of the

number two

Vox in Congress and candidate for the Andalusian Government, Macarena Olona.

Olona had announced that he planned to give a conference at the UMU Paraninfo this Friday, September 23, at 8:00 p.m. under the title

The defense of rights and freedoms through the TC: the unconstitutionality of the states of alarm

organized by the

Spanish Institute for Political Studies


However, the Faculty of Letters of the UMU has issued an official statement in which it addresses the university community denying that there is "any reservation authorization" of its Chamber for the indicated date.

Specifically, the Faculty has issued this statement "having learned that a certain conference sponsored by an entity outside the UMU has been publicized on networks, to be held in the Hemicycle" on Friday afternoon, September 23.

In addition, the


criticizes that "the official logo of the Faculty has been used for this", something that "was never authorized".

"Such facts, without the proper permits, were brought to the attention of the academic authorities", the Faculty has confirmed.

It should be remembered, on the other hand, that the Student Assembly of the University of Murcia has called for mobilization against the conference, organizing a rally on Friday at 6:30 p.m. in

Plaza de la Merced


All this, according to a statement from the Assembly, "in a university that allows hate speech and with an interest in the privatization of public education that attacks the majority of students."

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  • Universities

  • constitutional Court

  • Ministry of Defence

  • Macarena Olona

  • vox

  • Secondary Education