Filmmaker Nahid Persson has depicted the oppression of women in Iran in several films.

She herself participated on Monday in a demonstration against the Iranian morality rules.

- I myself know women who have been abused and tortured by the morality police and put in prison just because they took off the veil.

Women in Iran no longer have a choice, they have had enough and have nothing to lose, she says in SVT's Aktuellt.

Iranian authorities deny that 22-year-old Masa Amini was abused but claim that she died of a heart defect.

Nevertheless, they promise that the incident will be investigated further.

The president has even called her family and assured this, says Mohammad Fazlhashemi, professor of Islamic theology.

- For 43 years, they have tried to indoctrinate children - from preschool age to university level - to follow these rules.

Yet we see the protests.

What can they lead to?

- Sooner or later they have to let go of this constraint on how a woman should dress.

The protests and the reactions of the outside world may accelerate the process, but there is also a movement within the religious ranks.