More than 200 Armenian soldiers were killed in the confrontations with Azerbaijan

More than 200 Armenian soldiers were killed last week in the worst border clashes with Azerbaijan since the 2020 war, according to a new toll announced on Monday by the Armenian Security Council.

The Armenian Security Council reported that the death toll was "207, including three civilians," adding that "civilians are missing, while 293 soldiers and three civilians were injured."

And 20 soldiers were captured by the Azerbaijani army, according to the same source.

This brings the death toll on both sides to 300.

Baku stated that the toll so far indicates that 79 soldiers have been killed since the start of the confrontations that erupted last Tuesday.

This escalation is unprecedented since 2020, and threatens to undermine the fragile peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, two countries that share a border of 1,000 km in the Caucasus.

During her visit to Yerevan on Sunday, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi condemned the "unlawful" attacks in Baku.

And her visit to Yerevan is new evidence of a rapprochement between Washington and Yerevan at a time when Moscow, the traditional mediator in this region, faces difficulties in its military attack on Ukraine.

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