In the presence of dozens of state leaders

Britain and the world bid farewell to Elizabeth II

  • Queen Elizabeth's coffin during the procession that followed the state funeral.



Britain and the world called on Queen Elizabeth II at a solemn funeral in the presence of dozens of world leaders and heads of government, yesterday, and tens of thousands gathered in the streets of London to watch the passage of the Queen's coffin after it left the historic Westminster Hall and then the church of the same name, passing through several areas until it settled in its resting place. the last one.

And inside Westminster Abbey before the casket was moved, the usual chants at every state funeral in Britain since the early eighteenth century, and the ceremonies in the church ended with two minutes of silence in the United Kingdom, and then the casket was transported through central London through Buckingham Palace and Wellington Arch in Hyde Park Corner, and from There the casket was taken to Windsor Castle, west of London, to be lowered into the royal vault in a mausoleum adjacent to Windsor Castle Chapel, to rest alongside her parents, sister and husband Philip, who died last year.

The castle, just outside London, was the Queen's main weekend retreat, and her favorite home in the last years of her reign.

The coffin of Elizabeth II entered Westminster Abbey after being transferred from the Palace of Westminster, where it had been lying for five days. Edward, the heir to the throne William, and Prince Harry, and they were joined inside the cathedral, the wife of King Camilla, William's wife, Princess of Wales Kate, and Meghan, the wife of Prince Harry, and Prince George and Princess Charlotte, Prince William's children, walked behind the coffin of the late Queen as he entered the cathedral.

After a 10-day national mourning punctuated by honoring ceremonies and rituals dating back hundreds of years, 2,000 invitees participated in the religious ceremonies, including US President Joe Biden, Emperor Naruhito of Japan, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and London had never before. That gathered so many foreign officials long ago.

Also in attendance were representatives of European royal families, including King Louis Philippe of Belgium, King Philip VI of Spain and Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Biden cast a farewell look at Queen Elizabeth on the eve of her state funeral, and after signing a letter of condolence, said: "To all the people of England, to all the people of the United Kingdom, our hearts are with you, you have been fortunate to have had her for 70 years, as we have all been."

The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II was the first national state funeral in the British capital since the funeral of Winston Churchill in 1965.

The streets around the cathedral were filled with people of all ages, some of whom wore black and carried the British flag, and more than an hour before the start of the funeral, British authorities announced that all areas from which the procession could be seen were full in central London.

Tens of thousands lined the streets to watch the Queen's coffin pass from historic Westminster Hall to nearby Westminster Abbey.

Some had their heads bowed and others were wiping their tears as they bid farewell to the late queen.

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