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Alberto Chicote has surprised this weekend with unexpected news.

The chef

has announced through social networks his wedding with Inmaculada Núñez,

his partner for two decades.

Despite the fact that the chef has always been very discreet with his private life, this time he has not hesitated to step forward,

although it has been something that had not been previously announced


Of course, last December, he himself had said that he intended to go through the altar in the not too distant future.

This commitment has caught the chef's followers by surprise,

who have used their social networks to announce the news.

With an image in which he appears hand in hand with his already wife and wearing rings, the chef confirms the beginning of a new stage for the couple:

"Well, Inma Núñez and I...", he has written.

A post that has received a multitude of reactions from his followers, both known and anonymous,

who have not hesitated to congratulate Alberto Chicote and his partner for their marriage

, which has not transpired, for the moment, more details.

A love cooked over a slow fire between stoves

Alberto Chicote and his now wife met almost twenty years ago, in 2004. At that time,

Chicote worked as chef at the Nodo restaurant, where Inmaculada was the head of the room

- a position that, to this day, she continues to perform, but in another restaurant-.

In an interview with the magazine



Alberto Chicote recognized that he was very happy to work with her

, what's more, in 2014, they were encouraged to set up the Yakitoro restaurant together.

View this post on Instagram

Although they do not have children together, they have formed a great family:

"I have not had children because I have not had time, and now with Inma, we are older

," Chicote said a few months ago.

For her part, she has two children and a grandson, who are already part of the chef's family.

"I have always admired her a lot. I never get tired of being by her side.

There is nothing that makes me happier than hearing her happy," said Alberto Chicote some time ago.

A clear proof of the happy moment that she is going through.

Inma, much less in the media than her husband, has rarely spoken about her relationship with the chef:

"I have been working with him for a long time and we have never had any problems

, perhaps because we are very similar in our way of thinking at work. We are very demanding", he declared some time ago to Mamen Mendizábal, in a program that reviewed the chef's career.

He also commented on how Chicote's jump to television had influenced their relationship

: "It has changed him because he has much less time, we do much less things than we did before

. Today he started a new program, for example, and last night he didn't He slept. Those things influence the state of mind, the tiredness...", he said.

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