• Laura Borràs Junts per Catalunya threatens to break the Government with Esquerra Republicana

  • Junts Division uses the Diada against Esquerra and the dialogue table

The distance between

Pere Aragonès

and the

Catalan National Assembly

(ANC) has become sky-high.

After a Diada marked by the division in the independence movement and in which neither the president of the Generalitat nor the rest of the main leaders of

Esquerra Republicana

participated in the demonstration of the sovereign entity for his speech against the parties, the head of the Government has today again showed its opposition to the maximalist approaches of this organization, which has set a new date for the independence of Catalonia: next year.

Aragonès has received in the Palau de la Generalitat the leaders of the ANC,

Òmnium Cultural

and the

Association of Municipalities for Independence

to try to rebuild the ties between the different actors of the secessionist movement.



has wanted to make a move to get rid of the poster of the bad guy in the movie that a sector of the independence movement has hung on him, the most resistant to continue negotiating with the Government of

Pedro Sánchez

and identified with the disruptive discourse of

Junts per Catalunya


The road map drawn up by the Catalan president, however, does not seem to be going to meet that of the ANC in the short or medium term.

Aragonès recognized last week that the possibility of negotiating a


before 2024, within the framework of the dialogue table, is a chimera considering that next year will be marked by municipal, regional and general elections.

Esquerra will try to make profitable in the coming months any agreement with the central Executive in terms of "dejudicialization of the conflict" and protection of the Catalan language against the immobile tactic embodied by its


partners .

The president of the Assembly,

Dolors Feliu

, has justified her proposal to declare independence during the second half of 2023 to coincide with the presidential turn of the

Council of the European Union

that will fall on Spain: "It is a window of opportunity that we cannot waste, since it will give visibility and make repression more difficult".

The approach of the organizing entity of the great demonstrations of the Diada during the last decade has been branded as an "improvised" idea and made "quickly and quickly" by the Minister of the Presidency, the Republican

Laura Vilagrà

, at the end of the meeting to four bands.

"It is evident that today the conditions do not exist to carry out a proposal like the one of the ANC"

Instead, the vice president of the Generalitat,

Jordi Puigneró

(JxCat), has defended the need to "assess" the new strategy of the ANC and has held a parallel meeting with its representatives.

early elections

Among his proclamations on September 11, Feliu demanded the calling of early elections if there are no signs of culminating independence in this legislature and even proposed presenting a civic list outside the parties.

Despite the fact that on Monday the president of Junts,

Laura Borràs

, did not rule out the departure of her formation from the coalition Executive, arguing that the commitments of the legislature pact are not being fulfilled, the Catalan Government has wanted to close ranks today, ruling out any movement for now on the election calendar.

"There is no reason that justifies it and it would be bad news for Catalonia," the spokeswoman for the Generalitat,

Patrícia Plaja

, settled after the weekly Cabinet meeting.

Also in the same appearance,

Jaume Giró

has cooled the spirit of rupture of the coalition encouraged from some sectors of Junts.

The Minister of Economy has expressed that "the best thing for the country and the independence cause" is for the party to remain in the Government.

However, the division in the line of action of the secessionist forces has had a new chapter this morning at the Parliamentary Table.

The governing body of the Chamber has refused to process a popular legislative initiative (ILP) that asked to recover the

unilateral declaration of independence

of October 2017, which was annulled by the

Constitutional Court

ten days after being approved.

The votes in favor of JxCat and the


have been insufficient to counteract the


of the PSC and the abstention of ERC.

The Table already knocked down a similar ILP in 2019, also with the abstention of the members of Esquerra.

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  • dyad

  • cup

  • Laura Borras

  • constitutional Court

  • PSC

  • CKD

  • Together for Catalonia

  • Pedro Sanchez

  • Cultural Omnium

  • Pere Aragones

  • Independence Catalonia

  • Referendum in Catalonia

  • Unilateral Declaration of Independence (DUI)