Congo-B: states general to try to revive a sick education sector

Congolese school faces many challenges (illustrative image) GETTY

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After several years of waiting, the states general of education are finally a reality in Congo-Brazzaville.

These foundations were launched Tuesday less than a month before the start of the school year in the country.

The opportunity for the authorities to take stock of the many ills that undermine the education sector.

And it was Prime Minister Anatole Collinet Makosso who launched the debates.


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With our correspondent in Brazzaville,

Loïcia Martial

In front of education players, technical and financial partners, in particular Unicef, UNESCO and the World Bank, Prime Minister Anatole Collinet Makosso painted a bleak picture of this sector.

Our education system – from preschool to university – presents significant challenges in the areas of access to equity, gender equality, improving the relevance and quality of learning, the adequacy qualifying training to meet the needs of the national economy and the job market, the number and quality of teachers, most of whom are volunteers and without training, the intensification of violence in schools and universities.


Beyond these weaknesses raised by the head of government, the major difficulties remain, among others, the recruitment and payment of temporary teachers, the overload in the classrooms.

According to experts, the Congolese education system has deteriorated a lot because of the repeated civil wars that the country experienced during the 1990s.

And we have to change the situation, according to Hellot Matson Mampouya, high commissioner in charge of the organization of these states general.

Build a social pact that is both participatory and inclusive on the school for the next five or ten years.

In such a way that the old no longer regret the good old days of their school and that today's youth have confidence in their future with regard to the quality of their school environment.


At the end of these meetings, a report will be submitted to the Head of State.


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  • Education

  • Congo Brazzaville