Alexis Delafontaine 6:27 a.m., September 10, 2022, modified at 6:30 a.m., September 10, 2022

Since the call to God of Queen Elizabeth II, it is her son Charles III who will be officially proclaimed king this Saturday morning, at 11 a.m., in Westminster Abbey.

If Charles inherits the throne of England and all the duties that go with it, he also inherits very unusual privileges.

Europe 1 takes stock.

Who has never dreamed of not paying taxes?

This is the case of the King of England.

By inheriting at the death of Queen Elizabeth II a fortune estimated at 1 billion euros and 100 million income per year, he is not subject to any tax.

And in the event of an unforeseen expense, the Queen had an ATM directly installed, directly in Buckingham Castle.

Another very comfortable privilege: no driver's license or passport is needed to travel the world.

The king can go everywhere without being controlled.

Also, if the king breaks a law, he does not need a lawyer because he enjoys total legal immunity against any civil or criminal prosecution.

>> Find Europe morning weekend - 6-8 in podcast and replay here 

King Charles III must also prepare to celebrate not once but twice his birthday from now on.

Where does this royal favor come from?

His birthday will be celebrated the first time with the family on November 14, the day of his birth, and the second time in public, in mid-June, because it is the sunniest day of the year!

Charles, king of the oceans

Charles III therefore becomes King of England on Saturday but also King of the oceans.

Thus, he owns all the dolphins, swans or whales in his waters.

Do you know Simon Armitage?

This is his personal poet, entirely dedicated to praising the glory of his king.

A new life begins for Harry and William's father.