Laura Laplaud 09:11, September 09, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II died Thursday at the age of 96 and the world has been mourning her loss ever since.

His son, Prince Charles, automatically becomes the new sovereign of the country by virtue of the Latin maxim "Rex nunquam moritur", "the king never dies".

For Stéphane Bern, guest of Europe Matin on Friday, Charles III will be a very different monarch from his mother.

Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday at the age of 96, at her Scottish residence in Balmoral.

At 73, his son, Prince Charles, officially becomes king and becomes Charles III.

A king who, like his mother, will not be deaf, blind and dumb and who will continue to interfere in British politics.

"I believe there is a political card for King Charles III to play," said crowned head specialist Stéphane Bern at the Europe 1 microphone on Friday.

"He will do like his mother and hide his personal opinions but he will continue to commit as king, that's obvious."

“He will reduce the monarchy to its simplest expression”

Prince Charles often misunderstood, unloved, accedes to the throne after the 70-year reign of his mother Elizabeth II.

A man who should become a monarch very different from his mother.

"He warned there would be rifts, he will definitely be a transitional king, his coronation will be much simpler and there won't be the pomp of the Queen's coronation in 1953, he warned he won't would not be the defender of faith, but the defender of faith", explains Stéphane Bern.

"He will reduce the monarchy to its simplest expression, he warned that his brothers would no longer have any role," he continues.


- Death of Elizabeth II: what will happen now?

Will he be the first green king?

Charles Philip Arthur George is a man who deals with hot topics such as global warming, deforestation, diversity, architecture.

"I know that many of your countries are already feeling the devastating impact of climate change. So I can only urge you, as the world's decision makers, to find a way to overcome our differences so that we can all get to work. together to save this precious planet and save our children's threatened future."