Filiz Coskun owns the restaurant Mona vera in Västhaga in Örebro.

In the area it has been noisy for a long time, above all because large youth gangs gather there in the evenings and weekends.

Barely able to continue the business

A year ago, SVT reported on the situation, where, among other things, the Field Group worked to calm things down.

A road barrier was set up as a solution in the area so that the young people would not be able to go to, among other things, the back of Filiz Coskun's restaurant.

She believes, however, that the problems continue.

- Now the young people stay at the front instead.

They litter, break our outdoor furniture, glass railings and break our window panes.

We don't have the motivation and energy to continue anymore.

Not investigated

Last weekend, her restaurant was subjected to extensive vandalism and she reported it to the police.

But, due to lack of evidence, no preliminary investigation was opened.

Here the police explain why and why it can now be changed.

In the clip above, you can see the destruction and the anonymous tip Filiz Coskun received after the incident.