Albania cuts diplomatic ties with Iran

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 7th. Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency reporters abroad reported: Albanian Prime Minister Rama announced on the 7th that due to Iran's cyber attack, the Albanian side decided to cut off diplomatic relations with Iran. Personnel must leave the country within 24 hours.

So far, Iranian officials have not responded to the Afghan decision.

  Rama said in a statement that Iran launched an attack on the Afghan government network on July 15 to paralyze public services provided by Afghan government agencies, steal data and electronic communications from Afghan government systems and create chaos.

A ministerial meeting decided to cut off diplomatic relations with Iran with immediate effect.

  Rama said the cyber attack launched by Iran did not achieve its goal.

  Iranian media reported that Albania was hosting thousands of members of the Iranian People's Mujahideen, an anti-government organization outside Iran.

Iran's Mehr news agency reported the news of the severance of diplomatic relations, saying that the "People's Mujahideen of Iran" had previously launched multiple cyber attacks on Iran's infrastructure and networks from Albania.

(Participating reporters: Zhang Yadong, Gao Wencheng)