The Japanese government announced that the cost of Abe's state funeral is 1.66 billion yen: including the security fee and the reception fee for foreign dignitaries

  According to a report by Japan's NHK TV station on the 6th, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroichi Matsuno announced the approximate cost of holding a state funeral for former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, about 1.66 billion yen (about 81.93 million yuan).

  The Japanese government disclosed at the end of August that the government is coordinating the cost of Abe’s state funeral to be implemented on September 27 in the direction of about 250 million yen (about 12.5 million yuan). The 250 million yen includes the state funeral venue operation fee, Security enhancement fees, donation fees, etc.

Matsuno said on the 5th that in addition to the previously announced 250 million yen, the cost of Abe's state funeral also includes more than 1.4 billion yen (about 69.1 million yuan), including security expenses and reception fees for foreign dignitaries, totaling 1.66 billion yen.

  According to the "Sankei Shimbun" report, several senior Japanese government officials said that Abe's state funeral plans to invite 6,400 people to attend, more than the only former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida who held a state funeral after World War II.

But the government's decision to hold a state funeral has sparked a lot of controversy in Japan.

According to recent public opinion surveys by a number of Japanese media, more than half of the Japanese people are against holding a state funeral for Abe.

(Overseas Network/Wang Shanning)