Immediate and warm, some


, the comments of the world's greats at the news of the 91-year-old death of Mikhail Gorbachev.


in his country - Russia - the state funeral will not be held

, and as soon as the news filtered,


's first comment was brief and cold "I will send a telegram to his family", then, the change of course of the Kremlin a few hours later, with the publication of the message sent by the president of the Russian federation to the relatives of the last president of the USSR: "Mikhail Gorbachev - so Vladimir Putin - had to face great challenges in foreign policy, in the economy and in the social sphere, he deeply understood that reforms were necessary ". 

The reactions of world leaders 

According to Joe Biden, "A rare leader, with the imagination

to see a different future

", the US president entrusts his condolences to a long statement published on the White House website, accurately describing the history and the path of the last leader of the Soviet Union 

The activity "with President Reagan" to reduce nuclear arsenals,




("opening and restructuring", Biden emphasizes) not as a slogan "But as

a way forward for the people of the Soviet Union after so many years of isolation and deprivation


Underlines a legacy "that we will not forget", the president of the EU Commission,

Ursula Von der Lyen

, according to whom Gorbachev "paved the way for a free Europe", and "played a

crucial role in ending the Cold War

and fall of the Iron Curtain ".

The president of the European Commission defines the statesman as a "trusted and respected leader".

The British Prime Minister,

Boris Johnson

, praises his "courage and integrity", clearly putting his figure in contrast with that of the current Russian president: "I am saddened - so the British Prime Minister in his tweet -

in a period of Putin's aggression in Ukraine

, his tireless commitment to opening up Soviet society remains an example for all of us ".

Emmanuel Macron

hailed the last Soviet leader as "A man of peace, who

paved a path of freedom for the Russians

: his commitment to peace in Europe has changed our common history". 


repertoire of the resigning Prime Minister Mario Draghi, in the Multifunctional Hall of Palazzo Chigi

The only one to mention among the world leaders the Nobel Peace Prize, obtained by Gorbachev in 1990, is the Prime Minister,

Mario Draghi

who also underlines how "After a life in the Communist Party, he put an end to the experience with courage and determination. of the Soviet Union and tried to build a new season of transparency, rights, freedom ".

Draghi, too, underlines the "distance" of the statesman who disappeared from Putin: "

His desire for peace, his opposition to an imperialist vision - concludes the premier - are very timely messages in the face of the tragedy of the invasion of Ukraine
