Politicians, experts and public figures spoke about the death of Daria Dugin, daughter of the famous political scientist Alexander Dugin. 

The car driven by Dugina was blown up on the evening of August 20 in the Moscow region.

The Investigative Committee is of the opinion that the murder of Dugina was planned and ordered.

State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fedorov believes that the explosion of Dugin's car can be regarded as a terrorist attack.

He admitted that it was "politically related" as there are reports that Dugin himself was supposed to be driving the car.

Also on russian.rt.com "Planned in advance and is custom-made": what is known about the murder of Daria Dugina

“The death of a beloved child is the greatest tragedy in the life of any person.

Therefore, all condolences to Alexander.

What is called hold on.

I understand that this is the most severe blow to life, ”said the parliamentarian in an interview with RT.

In turn, the first deputy head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Konstantin Zatulin spoke about the possible involvement of the Ukrainian special services in the incident.

“This cannot be ruled out… The Ukrainian side resorts to terrorism as a weapon of the weak.

And above all, of course, this is happening against Donetsk, Luhansk, against the liberated territories of Kherson and other regions and border territories of Russia, ”said the parliamentarian.

According to him, if Kyiv's involvement in the murder of Dugina is proved, this event will become a "new page" in the situation with Ukraine.

“That is, the transition to terrorist acts throughout Russia,” the deputy explained.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, noted that if a Ukrainian trace is confirmed in the case of the murder of Daria Dugina, then “we should talk about the policy of state terrorism implemented by the Kyiv regime.” 

“Facts have accumulated over the years: from political calls for violence to the leadership and participation of Ukrainian state structures in crimes,” Zakharova added. 

In turn, the writer and publicist Alexander Prokhanov compared the tragedy with "a blow of fascist meanings to the meaning of the Russian world."

“This is a clash of huge ideas that we see on the battlefield in the battles of tanks and artillery, and in a spiritual sense it is a clash of meanings.

And Dugin is the bearer of these meanings.

And this is a blow of those terrible, dark, fascist meanings to the meaning of the Russian world, Russian consciousness, Russian immortality, ”Prokhanov told RT.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry and Trade Vladimir Gutenev also believes that the attempt on the daughter of Alexander Dugin should be considered from the standpoint of an attempt to destroy the ideas and postulates of the Russian world.

“The issue of red lines is now more acute than ever.

The reaction to a strike on the ideological front - to the murder of a young, talented, smart girl - should be quick, but not according to the scenario of the customer, ”Gutenev wrote in Telegram.

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Meanwhile, political scientist Sergei Markov drew attention to the participation of Daria Dugina in the Tradition festival, on the way from which the car was blown up.

He noted that there were many people in the parking lot of the festival, including war correspondents and artists.

He suggested that the car, as planned by the organizers of the assassination attempt, could explode there.

“That is, as a result of this explosion, a lot of people should have died.

Just purely by chance, Dugin moved to another car, and she left a little earlier than everyone else, apparently on some business.

And in this way, she saved, one might say, from the death of dozens of other people who are very, very socially significant, ”Markov said in an interview with RT.

Military commander Akim Apachev, who a few hours before the tragedy spoke with Alexander Dugin and his daughter at the Tradition festival, suggested that this was a contract killing at the direction of Kyiv.

“This (committed.

- RT

) is a specific Ukrainian terrorist.

He somehow came here, somehow lives and works here, performs tasks, and someone set these tasks for him ... You need to go through the entire chain to Bankovaya, but it certainly exists.

The contractor will be found, we will talk with the customer later, ”said Apachev RT.

Military expert Alexei Leonkov called the murder of Dugina a deliberate sabotage.

“Explosives are not simply planted.

Neither she nor her father conducted any illegal commercial activity, so even the tongue does not turn to push it into some kind of individual disassembly.

This is political sabotage, terrorism.

And if you look at the reaction of Ukrainian publics, they are happy there.

They glorify the SBU, GUR, ”he said in an interview with RT.

Leonkov considers the purpose of the crime to be an attempt to intimidate people.

“Now they are sharply raising the degree of sabotage.

Ukraine has no military successes, and no one wrote off the saboteurs,” he said.

Maria Vatutina, a poet and participant in the Tradition festival, in an interview with RT suggested that it was Alexander Dugin who was the target of the criminals.

“I think that the effect will only be the opposite, we will all unite and begin to act more harshly.

I hope that there will be a response to this disgusting terrorist act.

Grief is now on the surface, I can’t calm down ... This is insult and grief from the fact that they succeeded, it will pass.

And our strength - poets, politicians and others - it will increase.

We must now unite and work for victory,” she stressed.

Former Pentagon employee Michael Maloof spoke about the beliefs of Daria and her father.

In a conversation with RT, he connected the incident with the activities of Dugin and his daughter.

“She, like her father Alexander, had very strong beliefs about a multipolar world order.

I believe what was done to the car was intended primarily to eliminate him, not her, ”said Maloof.

He noted that Daria Dugina firmly adhered to her convictions and shared her father's views on the ideas of Eurasianism.

“In this regard, she was very decisive and did not hide her position.

She had her own channel, wrote extensively about her beliefs, and was not only associated with her father but also a figure in her own right.

And her reputation was on the rise, ”said the interlocutor of RT.