Marie Gicquel, edited by Gauthier Delomez 9:50 p.m., August 01, 2022

The Committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks takes over from the Scientific Council, dissolved this Sunday, to advise the government on health issues.

Although this committee will have substantially the same tasks as the Scientific Council, its main missions will however be extended.

Two and a half years of recommendations, 300 meetings, 90 opinions delivered... The Scientific Council, which guided the government in its decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic, is no longer.

This council chaired by Professor Jean-François Delfraissy was dissolved this Sunday.

However, a new body is taking up the torch: it is the Health Risk Watch and Anticipation Committee.

This new committee will have substantially the same tasks, but the major difference is that the experts will not only be interested in Covid-19.


- Covid-19: towards the end of the seventh wave?

A committee that will be an authority

The main missions of the Health Risk Watch and Anticipation Committee will be to observe, gauge and therefore prevent all risks of infection or epidemic, viruses that are transmitted from animals to humans, but also infections related to food, pollution or the environment.

The Minister of Health, François Braun, presented it as a "commando of very high level scientists".

A commando whose names should be revealed in the coming days.

They will be 16 in this committee to watch over these emerging infections.

The scientists will be appointed for a period of two years, renewable once.

In this committee also, a representative of the patients, another of the citizen and a president appointed by the Minister of Health.

Finally, this "commando" will not only keep watch, it will act as an authority.

It is he who will advise the government by giving a guideline on the gestures, the restrictions and the vaccination strategy to be adopted.