United Kingdom: final duel between Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss for the succession of Boris Johnson

Liz Truss, right, and Rishi Sunak, left, are the two finalists in the UK Conservative Party presidential race.

The winner should be appointed Prime Minister in early September 2022. © Reuters - Montage RFI

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After an express campaign launched following the resignation on July 7 of Boris Johnson, swept away by scandals and lies, the Conservative MPs voted for a fifth and last time this Wednesday to choose the finalists in the race for power.

They chose Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss, whom the members of the conservative party will have to decide between here at the beginning of September. 


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The British government will be led either for the first time by a non-white man or for the third time by a woman.

Rishi Sunak, 42, whose departure from government in early July helped precipitate the downfall of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was the big favorite in the first part of the election with MPs.

But he seems less popular with activists than his rival Liz Truss, 46. 

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak secured 137 votes from Tory MPs, ahead of British Foreign Minister Liz Truss (113 votes) and Secretary of State for Foreign Trade Penny Mordaunt, who was eliminated with 105 votes, according to the results announced by Graham Brady, responsible for organizing the internal ballot.

A debate between the two finalists will be held on July 25 on the BBC, the public broadcasting group announced on Tuesday.

It will then be up to the 200,000 party members to decide between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak in a postal vote.

The result is to be announced on September 5.

(With AFP)


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  • UK

  • Boris Johnson