Overseas Network, July 16. According to the New York Post news website of the United States, the New York City Chief Medical Examiner's Office announced on the 15th the cause of death of Ivana Trump, the first wife of former US President Donald Trump, saying Its body was struck by a blunt object, and the incident is classified as "accidental".

  The New York City Chief Medical Examiner's Office said it would not comment further on the investigation after the conclusion was released.

  New York law enforcement said earlier that Ivana Trump accidentally fell to her death from the stairs of her home, and a maintenance worker found the body next to a spilled cup of coffee.

  The source recalled that on the day of the incident, a personal assistant and a cleaner came to Ivana’s door on the 14th local time and rang the doorbell and no one answered.

The duo called building administrators for help, but because the door to Ivana's home was double-locked, managers couldn't open it.

Finally, with the help of a maintenance worker, the door was opened.

  A friend of Ivana told The Washington Post that Ivana had trouble walking and couldn't even take short trips away from home.

(Li Meng from Overseas Network)