Noa Moussa 07h19, July 15, 2022

On social networks, the testimonies of people who were prevented by the SNCF from going to pick up a loved one on the platform have multiplied, because the gates and the security guards of the stations only let passengers with a ticket pass.

A grotesque situation told by a mother at the microphone of Europe 1.

Many French people have planned to take advantage of the weekend of July 14 to go on vacation and take the train.

However, it will be difficult for them to pick up a loved one from their dock.

The reason: gates and security guards only allow those with a ticket to pass.

The testimonies are multiplying on social networks, sometimes detailing grotesque situations.

A fine of 135 euros for going to the platform without a ticket

"I arrived in front of the closed Plexiglas barriers. When I asked for them to be opened, the person in charge refused me access, telling me that I had no right to enter since I had no transport ticket", says Laure-Meriem, who came to pick up her 4 and 11-year-old daughters.


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Laure-Meriem then tried to find a solution.

“I tried to explain to this gentleman that I had two children who were on the train. The train arrived, people started to get off. 'you don't have the right', I said 'I don't care, I'm going to get my children'. A security guard tells me that I'm going to be fined 135 euros because I've gone through force', she said still surprised by this announcement.

"The tone started to rise. Another security guard came to get me and finally everything went well, I didn't get a fine." 

Following the dissemination of these testimonies, the SNCF specifies that a relative may be authorized to accompany a child or an elderly person, but that this depends on the goodwill of the boarding supervisor.