Europe 1 with AFP 5:28 p.m., July 15, 2022

Ivana Trump, the former US president's first wife and mother of three of his children, died Thursday at the age of 73, the Republican billionaire said.

The former tenant of the White House praised the "formidable" life of this former cross-country skier and model of Czech origin, who was his wife from 1977 to 1992.

Ivana Trump, the former US president's first wife and mother of three of his children, died Thursday at the age of 73, the Republican billionaire said.

"I am very sad to announce to all those who loved her, and there were many, that Ivana Trump died at her home in New York", wrote Donald Trump on his social network Truth Social, without specifying the cause of his death.

"Our mother was an incredible woman"

The former tenant of the White House hailed the "tremendous" life of this former cross-country skier and model of Czech origin, who was his wife from 1977 to 1992. "Her pride and joy came from her three children, Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric", he assured.

"Our mother was an incredible woman," the Trump family said in a statement, quoted by several American media.

"She fled communism and adopted this country," they point out.

In a statement to AFP, New York police said they went to Ivana Trump's apartment after calling the 911 emergency number and finding her "unconscious and unresponsive".

His death does not appear to be of "criminal origin", police said.

She wrote a book about Donald Trump

In October 2017, a few months after Donald Trump's installation in the White House, Ivana Trump published "Raising Trump" (Raise the Trumps), a book in which she said she taught her children "the value of money, to do not lie, cheat or steal, respect for others".

After Ivana, Donald Trump married actress Marla Maples, with whom he had a second daughter, Tiffany.

He has been married since 2005 to Melania Trump, mother of 16-year-old Barron.