
5 Star Movement

(M5S), one of the main parties in the government coalition in Italy, abstained from voting today on a confidence motion for Prime Minister Mario Draghi in the Senate, which has opened a government crisis in the country.

The senators of the M5S left the Upper House to not vote on the motion regarding

a decree with aid worth 26,000 million

euros to alleviate the effects of inflation, withdrawing their support for the head of the Government, who despite everything exceeded the motion of confidence with 172 votes in favor and 39 against.

Draghi, supported by a coalition of national unity,

had advanced that he would not preside over a government without the M5S

despite continuing to have a parliamentary majority, while the rest of his partners ask him to go to Parliament to verify support and continue leading the Executive.

Now it is expected that Draghi will go to the head of state,

Sergio Mattarella

, to see the next steps to be taken in the possible scenarios that are opening up and that range from verifying support for the Government in Parliament to early elections, passing through the resignation of the prime minister.

The "premier" had insistently reiterated in recent days that his government, emerged to face the pandemic and the management of the millionaire European funds, only made sense with the support of the M5S, winner of the last general elections of 2018.

Draghi even rejected the in extremis attempts of the Minister of Relations with the Parliament, Federico D'Inca, to vote the decree article by article and avoid the confidence motion,

a classic ploy in the Italian Parliament

to speed up the processing of laws.

Today, all the leaders of the formations, such as the conservative

Silvio Berlusconi

(Forza Italia), the far-right

Matteo Salvini

(Liga), the centrist

Matteo Renzi

(Italia Viva) and the progressive

Enrico Letta

(Democratic Party) were in favor of Draghi remains at the head of the Government and harshly criticized the M5S.

Letta urged Draghi to go to Parliament in the coming days to indicate

"a possible path for the nine months ahead

and for all parties to say whether it is convincing or not."

"What is said there next week will be decisive", he added, while Berlusconi said that

the government "can continue its work until the end of the legislature even without the M5S"

, but he blamed him if "early elections in such a delicate moment for Italy".

The biggest supporter of advancing the elections is the leader of the ultras Brothers of Italy,

Giorgia Meloni

, the only formal opposition to Draghi in Parliament, a measure that Salvini and Letta also opt for if finally the prime minister does not continue in the position.

In the Upper House, where 211 senators voted,

Draghi far exceeded the votes needed to win the motion

(106), adding 172 yeses and 39 noes, while the 62 of the M5S did not vote.

The spokeswoman for the M5S in the Senate,

Maria Domenica Castellone

, confirmed that they were not going to vote on the decree because the Government had not accepted any of the essentially economic proposals that the leader of the M5S,

Giusseppe Conte

, had made to Draghi during the meeting that they had maintained a few days ago to try to bring positions closer together.

Conte, also confronted with Draghi for sending weapons to Ukraine, has assured that not having voted today does not mean that they are leaving the coalition but that his party

"is absolutely available to help the prime minister"

but entering "a phase of government completely new" because the measures of the aid decree "are insufficient".

"We are not responsible" for the fall of the Government, but "those who do not give answers to the country" are, Castellone summed up, assuring that the M5S is the "defender of dignity."

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  • Italy

  • Senate

  • Ukraine

  • Anthony Conte

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  • mario draghi

  • Silvio Berlusconi