<Anchor> The

government has released a photo of forcibly repatriating North Korean fishermen during the Moon Jae-in administration in 2019.

The Ministry of Unification changed its position after three years and said that forced repatriation to North Korea was wrong.

This is Ahn Jung-shik, a reporter specializing in North Korea.


On November 7, 2019, a North Korean fisherman tied to a rope and wearing an eye patch sits in the waiting room on the south side of Panmunjom.

However, when he leaves the building and tries to be repatriated to North Korea, he bows his head and covers his face.

As the man collapses on the side of the building, South Korean officials hurriedly approach him.

Eventually, this man is handed over to the North across the military demarcation line with his arms suppressed.

On the other hand, one other fisherman crossed the dividing line bluntly.

This is the process of repatriation of two North Korean fishermen who crossed south by boat after killing 16 fellow sailors in North Korea.

The Ministry of Unification said that it submitted these photos to the National Assembly at the request of the people's strength, and also released the photos to the press.

[Jo Jung-hoon/Ministry of Unification Spokesperson (the day before): Considering the various damages that would be suffered if it was handed over to North Korea, the repatriation of North Korean fishermen to North Korea is clearly wrong.]

The Ministry of Unification 3 years ago It has been said that it is difficult to believe the sincerity of defection, such as being captured by the Korean Navy.

[Lee Sang-min / Spokesperson of the Ministry of Unification at the time (November 2019): (North Korean fishermen) decided to deport because they were not subject to protection under the North Korean Defector Act for serious non-political crimes such as murder, and as a heinous criminal that could not be recognized as a refugee under international law. When asked why


government department's position has changed in the opposite direction after three years, the Ministry of Unification said that it would not comment separately.