The ruling and Conservative Party leaders' elections following the announcement of the resignation of British Prime Minister Johnson officially began on the 12th with eight people including former Treasury Minister Snak and Foreign Minister Truss.

Prime Minister Johnson has resigned as leader of the ruling and Conservative parties on the 7th of this month, and announced that he will resign as prime minister as soon as his successor is decided.

On the 12th, the Conservative Party closed the acceptance of candidates for the party leader election, and an election campaign was started by eight people, including former Finance Minister Snak, Foreign Minister Truss, Minister for Trade Policy of Mordant, and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of Tugenhat.

Initially, about 10 people expressed their intention to run, but the number of nominees required for the candidacy was tightened to 20, so the number of candidates was narrowed down.

Voting will be repeated in the future to further narrow down the candidates, with the first vote by the House of Representatives on the 13th.

After that, in the middle of next week, a new leader will be announced on September 5, after being narrowed down to two people and having a final vote by party members nationwide.

In the UK, rising inflation and rising living costs are affecting the lives of citizens, and economic measures, including tax cuts, are likely to be a major issue.