Europe 1 with AFP 5:06 p.m., May 2, 2022

“Treason”, “abandonment” of ideas… Members of the LREM majority strongly criticized the agreement sealed between LFI and EELV on Monday.

With the ongoing discussions with the PS, this agreement acts according to them the denial of the convictions of these two parties.

The majority La République en Marche (LREM) accuses Europe Écologie - Les Verts (EELV) and the PS of "denying" their convictions by accepting the agreement proposed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon's party for the legislative elections.

“Incredible all these people supposedly steeped in principles, ready to abandon all conviction (…) for a handful of constituencies. And they want to govern our country?”, launched on Twitter the deputy LREM Sacha Houlié.

"What awaits the parties, in particular the Socialist Party, if they accept this alliance, it is quite simply a disappearance of their ideas, and also a disappearance of their political party", predicted on RFI Aurore Bergé, deputy president of the LREM group in the National Assembly, while La France insoumise (LFI) is still discussing with the PS and the PCF.

A shower of reproaches

"When I see what is supposedly a union of the left, I also see elected officials, regional presidents, mayors, refusing this submission to LFI, abandoning their political history, their values, to try to save perhaps -be a handful of seats,” she added, referring to internal tensions in the Socialist Party.


 After the historic agreement with EELV, the Insoumis want to conclude with the PS and the PCF

Fabienne Keller, MEP Renew / LREM and vice-president of Agir, estimated for her part that "Europe Ecology - The Greens now have Europe more than the name".

"For some legislative constituencies, the party denies its historic European commitment and allies itself with a Europhobic populist", she denounced on Twitter.

A lack of consistency for right-wing MPs

Éric Woerth, ex-LR passed in the Macron camp, pointed to Europe 1 "political agreements" and the fact that there is "ideologically no coherence" between the left parties wishing to ally.

For the PS, "it's a betrayal of the ideas" of this party: "You can't be socialist and anti-European", he added, and "if you want to govern Europe alone, you go and rule it elsewhere, but not in Europe, because it doesn't work that way".


 For the Republicans, the legislative campaign has already begun

On the right, LR deputy Julien Aubert mocked on Twitter a "NUPES agreement for New Popular Ecological and Social Union", in the name "beautiful as a nuclear disarmament treaty during the Cold War".

On the far right, Nicolas Bay, vice-president of Reconquête!, acknowledged on Sud Radio that this left-wing alliance underlined "the need for a gathering also of right-wing and patriotic forces" in view of the legislative elections.

"The left knows how to silence its small differences for the sake of electoral efficiency (…) We must also be able to silence the differences" between Reconquest!

and the National Rally, he urged, reiterating the call of Éric Zemmour's party for an alliance with the RN, which continues to refuse it.