How many steps must be taken in order to burn calories from eating one maamoul of dates, pistachios or walnuts?

How do you enjoy Eid Al-Fitr healthy?

And why do you always feel hungry?

How many steps should you walk to burn one maamoul of dates, pistachios or walnuts?

A 30-gram Maamoul Date contains about 130 calories.

In contrast, a person who weighs 70 kilograms needs to walk about 2500-2700 steps in order to burn 130 calories, that is, the calories contained in this maamoul piece.

As for walnuts and pistachios, a 30-gram piece contains about 150-160 calories, and a person weighing 70 kilograms needs to walk about 3000-3200 steps to burn these calories.

We emphasize here that these figures are approximate;

The exact number of steps depends on your gender, weight, speed and age, the estimated steps are based on an average speed of 4 km/h.

How to protect yourself from weight gain and satiety in the feast?

Don't overeat

Excessive consumption of food at once can cause a huge shock to your body, which has been accustomed to the month-long Ramadan regime, and you may end up with indigestion and bloating.

Take a walk

Going for a walk - or exercise - makes you feel refreshed, relaxed and happy, as it leads to the release of substances that positively affect your mood and help control your appetite.

Start with vegetables

The best way to control and reduce appetite is to eat vegetables first. Vegetables are full of essential nutrients and fiber that make you feel full faster.

Start your meal with a bowl of salad.

portion control

It's important to control the amount you eat, as when you keep adding food to your plate, you may end up eating more than you need.

Stay away from soft drinks

Soft drinks are full of sugar and do not benefit the body.

Instead of sipping on a soft drink, have a cup of yogurt with mint leaves.

Leave the dining table as soon as you're done

By staying at the table, you will be eating calories that you don't need.

Beat the processed sweets

Try eating some dates stuffed with walnuts or dried figs before you start eating other sweets;

This will help relieve your craving for sweetness.

Home Sweets

Try making your own desserts to ensure better health without sacrificing flavour.

For example, use an artificial sweetener instead of sugar or sugar syrup, and choose whole wheat flour instead of white flour.

Drink water

Drinking water is important to prevent dehydration, and it also helps you feel full.

fiber intake

Pulses such as chickpeas, beans and lentils provide plant-based protein that is naturally low in salt and fat.

Using these foods, in place of some red meat or processed meat options, will reduce your salt and fat intake.

In the long run, eating less salt and fat will help keep your heart healthy.

In contrast, eating a lot of red meat is not good for the heart and can also increase cholesterol levels.

Why do you always feel hungry?

We remain on the issue of weight and appetite, as some are distinguished by having an appetite that is always open, and it is difficult for some to control their meals. Nutrition experts attribute the reasons for this to some bad daily eating habits.

Below we give you the reasons for feeling hungry despite eating, according to a report in "Deutsche Welle".

German nutrition experts believe that some food components deceive the body and make it feel full, and then cause a feeling of hunger later, which prevents some from being able to control their appetite and this leads to weight gain.

These are some of the reasons for feeling hungry despite eating fatty meals:

Side effects of some medications

Excessive appetite is a side effect of many medications, including hormonal contraceptives, some antidepressants, corticosteroids, and some antihistamines.

According to the director of the Center for Weight Management at Weill Cornell College, American physician Louis Arno, the proportion of those who are obese because of their medication is up to 10%.

Processed Food

It is believed that processed foods may affect metabolism and affect our feelings of fullness;

Therefore, nutritionists advise to stay away from processed foods.

Cold makes us feel hungry

In the winter, many resort to eating fatty meals instead of snacks such as vegetables and salad, for example.

Nutritionists attribute this to the fact that the human body burns a lot of calories to warm the body in the winter, which increases the feeling of hunger, so nutritionists stress the need to warm the body before eating.

time saving

Many resort to eating their food while working at their desks in order to save time, but a study published by the "Scientific Journal of Clinical Nutrition" confirmed that eating while sitting at the desk in front of a computer screen leads to eating twice the amount that is eaten while sitting at the dining table ;

Eating during work makes a person unable to determine the amount he has eaten, which leads him to eat more food and a constant feeling of hunger.

sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are the largest source of fructose.

According to research conducted by the University of California at San Francisco, it was found that fructose can trick our brains into feeling the desire to eat more food without feeling hungry, as it works to block the body's ability to secrete the satiety hormone "leptin", which tells us that we ate a lot of the food.

Hormonal fluctuations in women

The approaching of the menstrual cycle in women is associated with an increase in weight, as some women tend to eat more food and sweets in particular.

This is due to the high proportion of progesterone in the body during this period, which speeds up the food metabolism process;

Therefore, nutrition experts advise women to maintain eating habits and continue exercising during this period to avoid weight gain.