What is the employment environment, how is the salary package, and are there benefits?

——Voice from the Xinjiang-related press conference

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 22. Question: What is the employment environment, how is the salary package, and are there any welfare guarantees?

——Voice from the Xinjiang-related press conference

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Dai Xiaohe and Jiang Lin

  What is the basic situation of labor and employment in Xinjiang?

At a Xinjiang-related press conference held in Beijing on the 22nd, Xu Guixiang, a spokesman for the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People's Government, said: "Xinjiang strives to ensure that workers of all ethnic groups can work under free conditions, so that they can truly enjoy the right to choose their occupation voluntarily; Ensure that workers of all ethnic groups work under equal conditions, and strive to eliminate various barriers, so that people of all ethnic groups will not be discriminated against due to differences in ethnicity, region, gender, and religious belief, so as to obtain equal employment opportunities and achieve common development and progress.

  How is the employment environment?

  "Currently, cotton planting, farmland management, and picking are basically mechanized. Now, with large tractors, 400 mu of land and 500 mu of land can be done a day, the speed is greatly improved, the planting is good, and the germination rate is very high. Now one person can manage it. 200 to 300 acres of cotton fields are not complicated and not particularly tiring." Through a video connection, Ai Maiti Aishan, a cotton farmer in Shaya County, Xinjiang, told reporters that last year, the price of cotton was good and the income was also very good. Renovated.

  "Xinjiang has always attached great importance to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers of all ethnic groups. The majority of workers have the right to participate in democratic management of enterprises, equal employment rights, the right to choose occupations independently, the right to obtain labor remuneration, the right to rest and vacation, the right to labor safety protection, and the right to participate in employment training. Lawful rights and interests, such as the right to enjoy social security and welfare, and to submit labor disputes for settlement, have been fully guaranteed.” Li Juan, director of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People’s Congress, said at the press conference.

  She said that governments at all levels in Xinjiang earnestly fulfilled their responsibilities for labor and employment security, implemented a series of employment-related laws, regulations and policy requirements, and promoted full employment for people of all ethnic groups.

Xinjiang's labor and employment security policies and practices fully comply with international labor and human rights standards, and are a successful practice of the spirit of the relevant initiatives of the International Labor Organization in China's ethnic areas.

  How is the salary package?

  The Xinjiang Tianyun Organic Agriculture Co., Ltd. run by Zhang Xiu is a 260-member family composed of Han, Uyghur, Kazakh, Hui and other nationalities.

In the past 8 years, more than 100 herdsmen have been transformed into new fishermen.

  "We implement an 8-hour work system. When we have a bumper harvest, the company has a relatively large business volume and needs to extend working hours. The company first negotiates with the labor union and laborers, and then arranges shift work and pays overtime wages." Zhang Xiu said, Over the past few years, many employees have bought cars worth more than ten thousand yuan.

  According to the survey data given by Yilidus Murati, vice chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions, the average monthly salary of employees in textile enterprises in Xinjiang is about 3,500 yuan, which is much higher than the minimum wage in Xinjiang. Cross the better.

  When workers encounter arrears of wages, etc., they can report and complain through the acceptance windows of labor security supervision agencies at all levels, reporting and complaint hotlines, 12333 service hotline, online platforms and other rights protection channels.

Labor security supervision agencies at all levels will conduct investigations and verifications in a timely manner based on the reported situation, and deal with violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law.

Xinjiang is actively promoting relevant units to improve the wage payment guarantee system, punish illegal and criminal acts such as refusal to pay labor remuneration in accordance with the law, and ensure that workers receive wages and remuneration on time and in full.

  Are there benefits?

  The rights of workers of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to rest and leave are guaranteed in accordance with the law.

In January 2022, the "Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Women's Development Plan (2021-2025)" was promulgated, making it one of the main goals to ensure that women receive fair labor remuneration and to ensure the labor safety and health of female workers.

  "The company has clarified the management methods for employees' annual leave with wages, marriage leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, breastfeeding leave, change of leave, work-related injury care leave, parent-child care leave, etc. I have 10 days of paid leave every year." An oil company in Urumqi Employee Kayshar Maimaiti said that every year on the eve of the Spring Festival, Eid al-Adha and Rozi Festival, the company holds various gatherings.

  Chen Qiang, head of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Labor Security Supervision Corps, said that the rights of workers of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to participate in social insurance are effectively guaranteed.

Labor security supervision agencies at all levels in Xinjiang strictly regulate supervision and law enforcement, promptly accept reports and complaints about violations of labor security laws and regulations, and correct and investigate illegal acts of employers who do not participate in social insurance or pay social insurance premiums in accordance with the law.