The sudden attack of the spring cold made everyone put on the thick clothes they had just taken off, and could not enjoy the beautiful spring with light clothes.

Do you also have the trouble of wearing thick clothes and having a "pear-shaped" figure?

If you want to look more in shape and dress more three-dimensionally, it's time to exercise your shoulder muscles.

  The shoulder muscle is the deltoid muscle, which is mainly divided into three parts: the front deltoid, the middle beam, and the rear beam. The front beam will make the shoulders appear fuller, and the middle beam will appear wider from the frontal vision. , the rear deltoid is the connection between the shoulder and the back. If you practice the rear deltoid, the shoulder will appear more three-dimensional and complete from the side view.

If you want to have a beautiful deltoid shape, you need to cover three parts of the exercise when exercising. Simply practicing only one bunch will lead to visual incoordination of the shoulder muscles.

  Are deltoid exercises difficult to master?

In fact, you can build deltoid muscles in all directions at home with a single elastic band.

  Action 1: Elastic Band Standing Front Raise

  Starting position: Stand in a normal upright position, step on the middle of the elastic band with both feet, hold both ends of the elastic band with both hands, arms naturally hanging by the side of the body, and elbows slightly bent.

  Action steps:

  1. Keep your elbows slightly bent and raise your arms parallel to the ground.

  2. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat 10-15 times for 3 sets.

  Action 2: Elastic Band Standing Lateral Raise

  Starting position: Stand in a normal upright position, step on the middle of the elastic band with both feet, hold both ends of the elastic band with both hands, arms naturally hanging by the side of the body, and elbows slightly bent.

  Action steps:

  1. Keep your elbows slightly flexed, and raise your arms sideways until they are parallel to the ground.

  2. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat 10-15 times for 3 sets.

  Action 3: The elastic band leans over and pulls

  Starting position: Stand with your legs bent, knees and hips bent until your upper body is parallel to the ground, step on the middle part of the elastic band with both feet, hold both ends of the elastic band with both hands, and your arms hang down naturally, perpendicular to the ground.

  Action steps:

  1. Open the shoulder joint at 90 degrees, bend the elbow and forearm vertically to the ground, and lift the upper arm upward.

  2. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat 15 times for 3 sets.

  The above three exercises are aimed at the front, middle and rear deltoid muscles respectively. They are simple and easy to operate. You can exercise at home once every two days. If you persist, you will be able to practice perfect deltoid muscles and create an "inverted triangle" figure.