Zinc is an important component of the body, and its deficiency may lead to hair loss. In this report, we learn about its health role, and then we will discuss other causes of hair loss.

The Consumer Protection Center in the German state of Bavaria said that zinc is of great importance to health, as it is involved in many body functions such as transporting oxygen, blood formation and the immune system.

The center explained that animal foods are a good source of zinc, such as meat, fish, cheese and eggs, noting that some of the amino acids present in these foods enhance zinc absorption.

He added that plant foods contain less zinc, in addition to containing substances that make it difficult to absorb. The most famous example of this is phytic acid found in whole grains.

Soak pulses

Therefore, vegetarians should eat whole grain products and legumes such as buckwheat, beans, lentils and oat flakes after soaking or adding acid to them, as these preparation methods reduce the content of phytic acid in them.

It is noteworthy that the body needs zinc at a daily rate of between 7 and 10 milligrams for women and between 11 and 16 milligrams for men, according to the recommendations of the German Society for Nutrition.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency are frequent infections due to weak immunity, dry and inflamed skin, hair loss, brittle nails, and deterioration of the senses of smell and taste.

What are the causes of hair loss?

The Federal Center for Health Awareness said that hair loss has several causes, most notably hormonal disorders, such as disruption of the production of the feminine hormone “estrogen” or an increase in the production of the male hormone “testosterone”.

And the German center added that hair loss may also be due to thyroid problems, such as hyperactivity or dysfunction of the gland or infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, scarlet fever, typhoid or autoimmune diseases.

Malnutrition can also cause hair loss, such as a lack of protein, biotin, zinc or iron, as these nutrients are important to nourish and protect hair follicles and roots.


Hair loss may also be a side effect of taking certain medications, such as anticoagulants, blood-lipid-lowering medications, and birth control pills.

On the other hand, the cause of hair loss may not be organic but psychological, as psychological stress attacks the immune system, which damages the hair roots, so in any case, you should consult a doctor to determine the real reason behind hair loss and treat it in a timely manner.