• Russia launched its "military operation" in Ukraine on Thursday, February 24.

    Every evening, at 7:30 p.m.,

    20 Minutes

     offers you its recap on the conflict which has become a war which every day causes victims, injuries and thousands of refugees.

  • Who did what ?

    Who said what?

    And who supports whom and why?

    You will know everything about the progress of the negotiations and the events of this crisis which is shaking Russia, Ukraine, Europe and even the United States.

  • This morning, Russia announced local ceasefires and the opening of several humanitarian corridors.

    The international community is not convinced.

Did you miss the latest events on the war started by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine?

Do n't panic,

20 Minutes

 takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m.

Who did what ?

Who said what?

Where are we ?

The answer below:

news of the day

Early this morning, Moscow announced the opening of several humanitarian corridors and

the establishment of local ceasefires to evacuate civilians from the Ukrainian cities of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Mariupol and Sumy, beset by heavy fighting.

“Russian forces, for humanitarian purposes, declare a “regime of silence” from 10 a.m. (8 a.m. in France) on March 7 and the opening of humanitarian corridors,” said the Russian Ministry of Defense.

However, in the middle of the morning Kiev formally refused these humanitarian corridors through the voice of Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk.

“It is not an acceptable option,” she lamented.

According to her, the civilians called by the Russians to be evacuated from the cities of Kharkiv, Kiev, Mariupol and Sumy “will not go to Belarus to then take the plane and go to Russia”.

sentence of the day

“All this is not serious, it is moral and political cynicism, which is unbearable to me.

It's a communication artefact that I disapprove of.


Emmanuel Macron denounced on LCI "the moral and political cynicism" of Vladimir Putin on these famous humanitarian corridors offered to the inhabitants of the four Ukrainian cities to "bring them to Russia".

What is necessary, “these are not simply corridors, which are immediately threatened, it is not this hypocritical speech which consists in saying: “We are going to protect people to bring them to Russia”.

All that is not serious, it is moral and political cynicism, which is unbearable to me.

It's a communication artifact that I disapprove of.


The number of the day

1.7 million​. 

It's a number that sends shivers down the spine.

More than 1.7 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion launched on February 24, according to the latest UN counts on Monday.

The High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) listed exactly 1,735,068 refugees on its dedicated website at 11 a.m.

These are 200,000 more than during the previous score on Sunday.

The authorities and the UN expect the flow to intensify, particularly in the event of the opening of humanitarian corridors which should theoretically allow civilians surrounded in large cities to get out.

The trend of the day

Precisely with this symbolic bar of two million refugees exceeded and according to the UN, nearly four million in total want to leave the country to escape the war, the questions of immigration in all the states of the EU are slowly area.

According to Joseph Borell, the head of European diplomacy, Europe should expect to receive almost

5 million Ukrainian refugees.

#PFUE2022 |

Welcoming of ministers in charge of #development by the high representative of the EU for foreign affairs @JosepBorrellF#CAE @francediplo @EUcouncil pic.twitter.com/KgxqWxACm7

— French Presidency of the Council of the EU 🇫🇷🇪🇺 (@Europe2022FR) March 7, 2022

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In the early afternoon, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended his government's immigration policy, touting its "generosity" while taking on the controls that led to Ukrainian refugees being denied entry without visas. .

In parallel, the Polish government adopted on Monday a bill intended to legalize and facilitate the stay of Ukrainian refugees in Poland, a country which has already welcomed more than a million people fleeing the Russian invasion.


War in Ukraine: The number of countries in conflict has doubled in a decade according to the president of the World Bank


War in Ukraine: Beware of this viral photo of Ukrainian children in front of tanks, it dates from 2016

  • Vladimir Poutine

  • Emmanuel Macron

  • Moscow

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  • War in Ukraine

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