Stéphane Burgatt (in Corsica), edited by Solène Leroux with AFP 2:56 p.m., March 06, 2022

At the very beginning of the afternoon already, hundreds of demonstrators gathered with Corsican flags, banners "Glory to you Yvan", "French state assassin".

The nationalist condemned for the assassination of the prefect Erignac is still in a desperate state after the attack he suffered on Wednesday.


While the anti-terrorist prosecutor's office has announced the opening of a judicial investigation into the assault on Yvan Colonna in Arles prison, a new rally of support is planned for Sunday afternoon in Corsica.

The nationalist condemned for the assassination of the prefect Erignac is still in a desperate state after the attack he suffered on Wednesday.

This new demonstration takes place in Corte, the stronghold of the Corsican nationalists.

At the very beginning of the afternoon already, hundreds of demonstrators gathered with Corsican flags, banners "Glory to you Yvan", "French state assassin".

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Sunday's demonstration was initiated by nationalist student unions, joined by all of the island's nationalist parties.

The Corsican Workers' Union (STC) also calls on its supporters and members to participate as well as associations for the defense of Corsican prisoners.

The Colonna family demands justice

At the same time, his family spoke for the first time, in the columns of 

Corse Matin


His relatives demand all the light on this affair and deliver his deep feelings: "We affirm that it is an assassination attempt", they notably affirmed.

The investigation of the prosecution opens precisely on this notion of a premeditated act of the aggressor, although he denies it.

As his police custody ends today, Yvan Colonna's relatives deplore opacity around the investigations as well as the state of health of the nationalist activist, still in a coma.


 Aggression of Yvan Colonna: "We are asking for justice, we are being answered by repression"

A feeling of fed up which will be relayed in the demonstration of just now around the nationalist leader of Core in Fronte.

"It's a demonstration in a tense and tense situation, where there is the affirmation today of a generalized fed up", affirms Paul-Félix Benedetti at the microphone of Europe 1. "The word of order of the demonstration, it will be 'basta', because we have to stop. I believe that today, it is up to the State to give strong signs of change, of taking into account a Corsican reality To deny it is to seek confrontation," he continues.

The nationalists are also campaigning for the repatriation to Corsican prisons of the two other members of the Erignac commando, currently still imprisoned in the Paris region.