• Politics Pablo Casado predicts that the European Commission will discover Pedro Sánchez's "deception" in 2023

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Hours after it became known that Ursula Von der Leyen had sent a letter to Pedro Sánchez in which she highlighted the "transparency and responsibility" of the plan designed by the Executive for the distribution of European funds, the European Commission itself has clarified that the letter is part of the usual formal procedure.

In the same way, this communication has been disassociated from the controversy surrounding the "inequality" denounced by the Popular Party on the distribution of aid from the Next Generation funds and it has been specified that the letter is a response from the president of the European Commission to another sent by Sánchez on his own initiative to accompany the delivery of the first report on the execution of the Recovery Plan sent to Brussels.

"There is no link between this letter and the current debate in Spain on the distribution of recovery funds between the autonomous communities and the central government," a spokeswoman for the organization explained to Europa Press.

Thus, from Brussels this letter is considered a courtesy gesture by Von der Leyen, which is part of the formal procedure, and which will also be sent in a similar way to other European leaders as the first phase of the disbursement of European funds progresses.

"a nonsense"

From the Popular Party, the "nonsense" in which the execution of the funds is becoming has been harshly criticized and the Executive has been accused of "punching out" for a letter that has finally turned out to be part of the usual formality of the Commission European.

"Then they are surprised that we supervise what they do," said the sectoral deputy secretary and popular deputy Elvira Rodríguez.

Hours before, the leader of the opposition, Pablo Casado, has predicted that in 2023 Brussels will discover the "deception" of the Government and its "counter-reforms".

From the Executive, previously, the sending of this letter from Brussels had been celebrated.

The First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, explained that she was not "surprised" by the news given that communication between the Government and the European Commission has been fluid and characterized by maximum "transparency" in recent months.

Other ministers, such as Félix Bolaños, head of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, have taken advantage of Von der Leyen's words to disavow the criticism of the PP.

In the eyes of Bolaños, he explained this Monday, the "obstructionism" of the opposition is evidenced by the congratulations from Brussels.

However, the PP insists that its job is to "supervise" the government and fulfill its duty as an opposition.

"We do not put our finger in the wound of the Government. The Government puts its finger and its hand in the pocket of the Spaniards", Pablo Casado settled this Monday, who has reiterated the need for an independent institution to evaluate the distribution of funds to avoid irregularities.

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  • Ursula von der Leyen

  • Pedro Sanchez

  • European Comission

  • Spain

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