In Myanmar, Southeast Asia, civilian casualties continue to resist the forces that caused the coup.

It's been a year since the coup d'etat, what's happening there now?

Where and what is Aung San Suu Kyi, a pro-democracy leader detained by the military?

I summarized the situation in Myanmar after the coup d'etat.

(Asia Directorate General Satoshi Iinuma, Keisuke Matsuo, International Department Reporter Genki Kitai)

What happened a year ago in the first place?

The coup d'etat happened on February 1st last year.

The military explained that there was a large-scale fraud in the general election held in November, and that actions were taken to prevent the inauguration of the government based on the result.

In the general election, the political party NLD = National League for Democracy led by Mr. Suu Kyi won overwhelmingly, and February 1st was the day when the parliament was convened for the first time after the election.

The military detained Mr. Suu Kyi on suspicion of illegally importing radios and using them without permission.

The international community, including Japan, which dispatched election monitoring teams, evaluates the elections as fair.

What is behind the military's coup d'etat?

What has been pointed out is the impatience of the military.

In Myanmar, the army had previously taken control in a coup, and the current constitution enacted at that time allocates a quarter of the parliamentary seats to military personnel and allows the army to appoint several ministerial posts. Guarantees military involvement in politics, including provisions.

Political parties led by Suu Kyi have stepped up their stance to reduce military power, including attempts to amend the constitution to promote democratization.

The military is believed to have raised a sense of urgency that the administration is about to enter its second term.

How many civilian casualties will be caused by the crackdown of the military?

In places such as Yangon, the largest city, large-scale protests by citizens who oppose the coup and seek democratization have spread, and the military has embarked on a crackdown, killing many citizens.

According to the local human rights group "Political Criminal Support Association," 1,499 people have died due to the crackdown on demonstrations by the military and assault after detention.

There are 11,801 detained people.

(As of January 28)

What about citizens' protests?

I went to the site to cover the situation in Yangon, the largest city where the fierce resistance activities by the citizens continued, but the appearance of many people coming and going was back, and the protests were not seen in the open.

Cars are congested on the main street, and the turmoil is back.

The weekend shopping mall was crowded with a surprising number of shoppers.

However, when the sun goes down and it gets dark, the number of people and cars suddenly decreases.

This is to prevent the military and police from being cracked down and being involved in attacks by armed groups that resist the military.

In addition, many people lose their income and jobs due to the economic downturn, and crimes such as robbery are increasing, making security worse.

In the past, the city was busy even when the sun went down, and many people were chatting on the roadside while feeling the coolness of the night, but the situation has changed completely.

Did the protests stop?














So far, Suu Kyi has been convicted of five crimes, including a criminal law violation allegedly causing social unrest and a violation of the provisions for measures against the new corona, and has been sentenced to six years in prison. ..

Severe judgments will continue in the trial, and it is expected that the sentence will continue to accumulate.

If all were convicted, the maximum sentence would be well over 100 years.

It will be impossible for Suu Kyi, now 76 years old, to be free again.

What are your concerns in Myanmar now?

Resistance movements are being curtailed in urban areas such as Yangon, and conflicts between military and pro-democracy armed groups are intensifying in rural areas.

Last September, the National Unity Government of Myanmar, an organization seeking democratization, called on civilians and ethnic minority armed groups to uprising the military.

Especially in areas near the border, there are bases of armed groups of ethnic minorities who have been in conflict with the military, and it is easy to obtain weapons from neighboring countries, so the battle has intensified and many casualties have occurred. increase.

However, the actual number is unknown.

In addition, the United Nations estimates that as of December last year, 320,000 people had been displaced and displaced in order to escape the fighting.

A terrible event is also happening.

Democratic armed last December, when 35 civilians, including children and women unrelated to the fighting, were killed and burned by the military in eastern Kaya, especially near the border with Thailand, where fighting is fierce. The organization announced.





(京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 中西嘉宏准教授)



(京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 中西嘉宏准教授)





(京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 中西嘉宏准教授)
