Iraqi Defense Minister Juma'a Inad confirmed that his country was able to eliminate the capabilities of the Islamic State in Iraq, and that its remaining strength does not exceed 5% of what it was in 2014 when it took control of large parts of the country.

He pointed out that fighting the organization requires vigilance from the security forces and the use of drones more than armored forces and tanks.

Inad warned - in a television interview - against publishing false security information on the communication sites about the organization's operations, considering that this would be a problem that affects the security of the country.

Regarding the organization’s movements across the border with Syria, Inad pointed out that the border line with Syria from Al-Qaim to Rabia is tightly maintained, and that the watchtowers deployed on the border are based on Iraqis, and it is not correct to receive them from the Americans.

Regarding the military capabilities of the army, the Iraqi minister indicated that his country owns 32 F-16 fighter jets that are in service, carry out duties and can effectively repel any target, pointing out that the army owns a large number of Russian aircraft, but they are out of service. the work.

He revealed that Iraq will soon receive 4 advanced radars, and that it has contracted to purchase 14 others, noting that the delay in approving the government budget delays the implementation of army contracts.

He stressed that the American planes in Iraq have continued to operate and maintained for 10 years through a company at Balad base (north of Baghdad).

Regarding other types of warplanes in the possession of the Iraqi army, Inad indicated that the army has 24 Korean fighter planes that have been missing logistical support for 7 years, and that it was agreed with the manufacturer to maintain them.

With regard to the recent Al-Azeem incident in Diyala province, which occurred last Thursday, in which 11 soldiers were killed, Inad said that 6 military officials were punished over the incident and referred to an investigative council, considering that the incident occurred due to negligence, and there is a possibility that the fighters were asleep.