The relevant information is available on the website of the Department of the Situation and Crisis Center of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“In Kazakhstan, there is a state of emergency and a curfew (23: 00-07: 00).

We again recommend that Russian citizens be careful and avoid crowded places, ”the message says.

The Foreign Ministry also recommended that Russians in Kazakhstan "take refuge in hotels or houses, provide food and water supplies, follow events and reports from foreign missions."

Earlier, the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, announced about battles between rioters and airborne units near Alma-Ata.

Tokayev also said that the protests in the country should be viewed as an act of aggression.

In addition, the information center of the Almaty commandant's office said that radical protesters had caused enormous damage to the city.

OSCE Chairman Zbigniew Rau also called for de-escalation of the situation with protests in Kazakhstan.

He also noted that violence is never the right answer to problems.