Beware of violating the precautionary measures

The Ministry of Health issues a guide to supporting doses of “Corona” vaccines

  • "Vaccinations significantly help reduce the risk of disease and its complications and reduce the incidence of deaths."

    From the source

  • Noura Al Ghaithi: “Taking the vaccine does not replace the commitment to preventive and precautionary measures.”

  • 100% of the total population received the first dose.



During the periodic media briefing to introduce the latest developments and cases related to the “Covid-19” virus in the country, the UAE government revealed that the percentage of those receiving the first dose of the total population reached 100%, while the percentage of recipients of two vaccine doses reached 92.31% of the total approved population census.

It also announced the issuance of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, a guide to supporting doses of "Covid-19" vaccines.

In detail, the official spokesman for the health sector in the country, Noura Al Ghaithi, confirmed that the UAE has presented, since the beginning of the pandemic, a unique model in a flexible and thoughtful approach to managing the global health crisis represented by the “Covid-19” virus, noting that “the readiness and readiness were the result of cooperation.” And coordination between all national agencies and relevant sectors of different specializations, as they worked in the spirit of one team under the directives of the leadership in order to preserve the health of society to reach the stage of recovery.”

Al Ghaithi stressed that national efforts in all governmental, local and private sectors are continuing to provide a healthy and protective environment for community members, as the authorities work through specialized teams and qualified human cadres to ensure health stability for all segments of society, including citizens, residents and visitors of the country.

Al Ghaithi said: "The UAE has been keen from an early age to provide approved vaccinations free of charge in government and private health facilities in the country to ensure that the vaccine is provided to the largest segment of society members in order to achieve immunity and enhance the protection of individuals' health.

And the percentage of those who received the first dose of the total population reached 100%, while the percentage of those who received two doses of the vaccine was 92.31% of the total approved population census.

She added: "Studies have proven that vaccinations, with their basic and supportive doses, help significantly reduce the risk of disease and its complications, reduce the incidence of deaths, and have an effective role in stopping mutagens and preventing them from appearing, and the supporting dose is one of the most important factors to maintain public health and the safety of community members. It has a significant and effective role in enhancing acquired immunity to achieve maximum benefit, especially in the current circumstances in which the world is witnessing an increase in the number of registered cases.”

She stressed the importance of qualified individuals receiving supportive doses, especially the elderly and those with chronic diseases, given the support that receiving support doses constitutes for national efforts to combat the pandemic and mutants and to achieve health security in society.

Al-Ghaithi revealed that the Ministry of Health and Community Protection issued a guide to booster doses for “Covid-19” vaccines, whereby all qualified individuals are recommended to take the booster dose after 6 months have passed from the second basic dose. Chronic diseases and individuals aged 50 years and over should take the booster dose 3 months after the second dose, and the rest of the groups aged 16 years and over are advised to take the booster dose after 6 months of the second dose of vaccination or another vaccination.

The guide clarified that those vaccinated with the Pfizer Pinnotek vaccination are advised to take the booster dose for all individuals from the age of 18 years after 6 months have passed since the second dose of the same vaccination, and those vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccination are recommended to take the boosting dose for all individuals from the age of 18 years after 6 months have passed since the second dose of The same vaccination or another vaccination, while people who are vaccinated with other types of vaccinations can go to the nearest vaccination center to determine the type of booster dose.

Al-Ghaithi indicated that the health sector in the country, through coordination between all concerned sectors, follows up on developments related to the pandemic and assesses and studies the epidemiological situation, pointing out that the efforts made by the national teams and concerned agencies call for concerted community efforts through the commitment of community members to means of personal protection, taking into account distance. And the obligation to wear masks and keep hands sterilized periodically.

She stressed that taking the vaccine does not dispense with adherence to preventive and precautionary measures, such as wearing a mask, cleaning hands, maintaining physical distance, and following other approved protocols for control and control.

She recommended that members of society conduct examinations as a main means of early detection of injuries, especially when visiting family, sitting with the elderly and those with chronic diseases, and avoiding handshakes and hugs, stressing the importance of social responsibility and the pivotal role played by members of society to preserve the gains achieved by the state during the crisis, and to move forward. forward to sustainable recovery.

• Readiness and readiness were the result of coordination between the concerned agencies and sectors, with different specializations.

• 100% of the population received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination, and 92.31% received the two doses.

Monitor violations

The official spokesperson for the health sector in the country, Noura Al Ghaithi, confirmed that the concerned authorities attach great importance to following up on adherence to the preventive instructions and precautionary measures to monitor any violations or behaviors that may have negative repercussions on the health of society and the safety of its members in order to preserve the efforts made by the UAE government in its various institutions. Throughout the last period to ensure access to the stage of recovery.

She pointed out that the UAE has followed a clear and transparent approach in presenting the developments in the confrontation with the "Covid-19" virus through the national media and the official accounts of the concerned authorities through various media platforms, pointing to the importance of obtaining information from its approved official sources and not to be drawn into rumors or the exchange of unfamiliar news. Reliable and erroneous, which would cause confusion in society.

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