It's been six days and a year since the invasion of former President Trump's supporters into the US Congress.

The background of the case is being investigated by a special committee of the parliament, but the opposition Republican Party, where Mr. Trump still has an influence, is in a negative position to the investigation, and to what extent the whole case that shook American democracy It is unclear whether it can be clarified.







事件の受け止め方 支持政党で差 社会の分断浮き彫りに

Public opinion is largely divided over the invasion of the federal parliament, and the division of society is once again highlighted.

In a poll conducted by major research firm Yugab and CBS TV in the United States last month, 85% of Democrats said the intrusion was a "rebellion," compared to 21% of Republicans.

On the other hand, 47% of Republican supporters answered that the case was "patriotism", while 12% of Democratic supporters, and there is a remarkable difference in perception by political party.

In addition, 62% of the respondents answered that "I think there will be violence by the defeated side" regarding the upcoming presidential election.

Meanwhile, when asked "how much responsibility the former President Trump is" for the case, according to a poll conducted by the leading newspapers Washington Post and the University of Maryland last month, 92% of Democratic supporters are "quite" or The total number of Republican supporters was 27%, while those who answered "somewhat".

Experts "The concern is that confidence in elections is being lost."

Professor Christina Coolich of Suffolk University, who is familiar with democracy and populism, said, "Trust between citizens and governments, and between different groups of citizens has dropped dramatically. The most worrying thing is freedom. Confidence in fair elections is being lost. The seeds of suspicion have been sown. It will have a major impact on this midterm election. "

"Still incredibly many people still think that President Biden is not a legitimately elected president and that the presidential election was fraudulent," he said.

"For democracy to work, not only is the procedure sound, but behavior is also important. If some Americans don't have to follow the rules, it's the root of a healthy democracy. It will be a problem. "