
The media reported that North Korea test-fired a hypersonic missile yesterday (the 5th).

This is the second time North Korea has launched a hypersonic missile after September last year.

Reporter Kwon Ran reports.

[ Reporter

] The North Korean Defense Academy conducted a test launch of a hypersonic missile yesterday, the Korean Central News Agency reported.

The Central News Agency reported that the officials of the Ministry of Defense Industry and Defense Science watched the launch yesterday and hit the target set at 700 km without error.

According to reports from the Central News Agency, it appears that Kim Jong-un did not observe yesterday's launch.

North Korea said in yesterday's launch that it evaluated the performance of the newly introduced lateral maneuvering technology, and said that the missile was separated after launch and lateral maneuvered 120 km from the initial launch azimuth to the target azimuth.

In addition, it was reported that the reliability of fuel ampoule systems was verified in winter climatic conditions.

Earlier, the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that North Korea fired a projectile presumed to be a ballistic missile from the Jagang Province area around 8:10 am yesterday.

This is North Korea's second launch of a hypersonic missile since September 28 last year.

North Korea seems to have launched yesterday to improve the performance of its hypersonic missile, and some analysts say that if it succeeded in test-fire twice in a row, it would have secured a significant level of stability in missile technology.