Caroline Baudry, edited by Gauthier Delomez 7:51 p.m., January 05, 2022

Members of the management of the University Hospital of Guadeloupe in Pointe-à-Pitre were violently attacked Tuesday by trade unionists, who demanded in particular the payment of salaries for unvaccinated employees.

At the microphone of Europe 1, deputy director Cédric Zolezzi, who may have been exfiltrated by the police, explains that he is still in shock.


The story of an evening of violence.

"We got caught in a human melee, like a little riot. I was hit on the back. I had a protective vest but we grabbed my shirt, and half ripped off me. "Says Cédric Zolezzi, deputy director of the University Hospital of Guadeloupe in Pointe-à-Pitre, at the microphone of Europe 1. Tuesday evening, unionists from the UTS-UGTG (Union of health workers, union section of the General Union of Workers of Guadeloupe) violently attacked the members of the management of the hospital center when they came to demand, in particular, the payment of salaries of unvaccinated employees.


- Covid: the state of health emergency decreed in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Mayotte, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy

"Elbows, punches ..."

First "sequestered" in their offices, the members of the management saw the trade unionists block any exit from the administrative building since the end of the morning.

Cédric Zolezzi continues: "I was grabbed by the head, then my briefcase, all this while running towards the police car which itself was the target of attacks".

The general manager Gérard Cotellon had to be exfiltrated by the police in the early evening under the blows, insults, projectiles and water jets, like his deputy, still in shock.

"Elbows, punches on the windows ... There was a lot of noise," he testifies, tremolos in his voice.

"The car was having trouble moving around because a lot of people got in the way to create human roadblocks," adds Cédric Zelozzi.

The demand for police protection

The deputy director general takes stock of this traumatic evening.

"My back hurts, and the general manager was hit in the ribs and on the head. We think it could have been more serious because we can imagine all kinds of things when we throw cash at you. figure. It's a form of lynching, "he said.

The two members of the management will file a complaint.

They also demand that the hospital and members of the management be placed under police protection.