In Nicaragua, the former Taiwanese embassy seized for the benefit of China

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega.

AP - Alfredo Zuniga

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The Taiwanese authorities, whose diplomats left Nicaragua after the breakdown of relations by Managua, denounce "

an illegal occupation



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The Nicaraguan government severed relations with Taiwan on December 10 in favor of China.

Taiwanese diplomats only had 14 days to leave the country, a very short period according to international practice.

Taiwan then decided to donate the premises of its embassy to the Catholic Church of Nicaragua, known for its critical attitude towards the regime of Daniel Ortega.

But on Sunday, December 26, the latter announced that he had confiscated the building located in an upscale neighborhood of Managua, and offered it to China.  

The precedents of Costa Rica and El Salvador

This decision provoked the ire of the Taiwanese government which denounces "

an illegal occupation


A position supported by experts who believe that a diplomatic mission forced to leave a country obviously has the right to sell or donate its property to whomever it wishes.

There are precedents in the region: when in 2007 and 2017 Costa Rica and El Salvador severed relations with Taipei, the two countries respected Taiwan's right to liquidate its property. 

► To read also: Nicaragua breaks with Taiwan and recognizes "only one China" 


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