North Korea marked the tenth anniversary of the death of leader Kim Jong-il on Friday, with three minutes of silence and flags at half mast.

Kim Jong-il ruled the country for 17 years until his death in December 2011, when his son Kim Jong-un succeeded him.

In a plaza in Pyongyang, those present lowered their heads in silence to portraits of Kim Jong-il and his father Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea.

Others bowed to a mosaic mural depicting father and son Kim, before laying flowers on it on a frosty day in the capital.

In praise of Kim Jong-il's "revolutionary leadership"

The North Korean media, tightly controlled by the state, published editorials on Friday praising the "revolutionary leadership" of Kim Jong-il, while urging the population to remain devoted to his son.

"With the respected leader Kim Jong Un, we must strengthen our loyalty to the party and the revolution," wrote

Rodong Sinmun

, the official newspaper of the ruling Workers' Party, while calling on the people to adhere to the dictator's "ideas". .

Three generations of the Kim family have ruled the country with absolute authority since 1948. Under their rule, North Korea developed long-range missiles and nuclear weapons, but its state economy is poorly managed and shortages food is chronic.


The country closed its borders last year to protect itself from the coronavirus, but its economy has been hit hard by this self-imposed blockade, in addition to international sanctions linked to its weapons programs.

Kim Jong-un admitted that the country was facing difficulties and urged the population to prepare for the "worst situation".

First seen as the handyman of North Korean generals and Workers' Party bureaucrats, Kim Jong-il's son and successor brutally installed his authority, having his uncle by marriage Jang Song Thaek executed for treason in 2013.


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