United States: Derek Chauvin pleads guilty to violating George Floyd's constitutional rights

Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder by the Minnesota justice and sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison after an extraordinary trial.

- Short TV / AFP / File

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White policeman Derek Chauvin, convicted of the murder of George Floyd, pleaded guilty on Wednesday (December 15th) to violating the black forty-something's constitutional rights, during a federal court appearance, local media reported.


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The 45-year-old former agent, who knelt on the African-American's neck for nearly ten minutes in May 2020, had so far never admitted any wrong in the death which shocked the whole world.

Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder by the Minnesota justice and sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison after an extraordinary trial.

He appealed against this conviction.


To read also: 

Murder of George Floyd: the former police officer Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison

In parallel, the federal justice had opened its own lawsuits by indicting him, as well as his three former colleagues, for " 

violation of the constitutional rights

 " of George Floyd.

These "double" prosecutions are permitted in the United States but relatively rare, and reflect the importance of this case at the heart of giant protests against racism and police violence across the United States.

A new strategy

In this component, the police officer pleaded not guilty in September but changed his strategy Wednesday as part of an agreement with federal prosecutors that will prevent him from a new trial.

No date has yet been set for his sentence.

Federal prosecutors have asked for 25 years in prison to be served concurrently with the sentence handed down in state courts.

The possibility that he would plead guilty in this section had been raised last spring.


To read also: 

After the George Floyd affair, the hope of a profound change in the United States?

At the end of his trial, he had fueled speculation by telling the Floyd family: " 

There will be new information in the future, which I hope will be interesting and which will give you peace of mind 






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